Koinonia Baptist Church revival crusade continues 

Worshippers attending worship service at Lower Agri Colony Revival crusade.

Worshippers attending worship service at Lower Agri Colony Revival crusade.

KOHIMA, MAY 15 (MExN): The Revival Crusade (inter-denominational) under the initiative of Koinonia Baptist Church held its third phase on May 11 and 12 at Jail gate and Lower Agri Colony Kohima in observance of celebrating 25 years of jubilee in December 2022 under the theme ‘Proclaim the year of the Lord’.

On May 11, at Kohima Jail gate, the service was led by Evangelist Neilhou Sopfünuo, Koinonia Prayer Centre; special praise by Pienyü Sisters; praise and worship was led by Koinonia Prayer Centre worship team. Testimony was shared by Lhouzakie Rutsa who received a breakthrough from alcohol addiction and “healing” from severe sickness. He testified that he will “serve God continually to glorify God for divine intervention in his life.” The speaker was Neibalie Kiewhuo, Pastor, Koinonia Baptist Church who exhorted the gathering with the word of God.

On May 12, the revival was held at Lower Agri Colony. The service was led by Khriezovolie Suokhrie and testimony was shared by Aza Sekhose. Special praise was presented by Ketholelie Belho while the speaker was Medotseilieü Kiewhuo, Pastor, Koinonia Baptist Church who shared the message of God The crusade will continue till July 2022, usually on Thursdays and Fridays and it is open to all at 5:00pm. The fourth phase of the crusade is schedule on May 19 at AG Colony (Model HSS) and May 20 at New Ministers hill.