Alole Tsürha, Coordinator, Miglat Ministry, with colleagues and members of the Kevichusa Foundation, Kovi Meyase and Monalisa Changkija after receiving the A Kevichusa Citizenship Award 2024. (Morung Photo)

Morung Express News
Dimapur | December 20
The Miqlat Ministry got the A Kevichusa Citizenship Award 2024. An undertaking of the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) Women’s Department, the ministry focuses effort on supporting women in distress, including victims of sexual exploitation and substance abuse. It is based in Singrijan, Chümoukedima.
Alole Tsürha, the coordinator, Miglat Ministry, received the award, which includes a cash prize of Rs 4 lakh, certificate and a medallion, announced annually by the Kevichusa Foundation. The award ceremony was held on December 20 at Hotel Acacia, Dimapur.
“As we receive this award, I want to thank all those people that have journeyed with the ministry through thick and thin since its inception,” said Tsürha accepting the award on behalf of the ministry.
Miqlat is a Hebrew word for refuge or shelter. And as the name implies, she said that they work with girls and women that are at risk— Girls and women that have dropped out of schools, victims of sexual exploitation and victims of human trafficking.
According to her, young girls and women get out of their homes in the villages dreaming of finding a better life in Dimapur but it does not turn out good for all, with many getting exposed to vulnerable situations. “Miqlat Ministry focuses on prevention, rehabilitation, repatriation, and restoration,” she said, while stating that it runs programmes to not only prevent but also rehabilitate by offering care, councelling and life skill trainings.
“If you really want to empower these women, if you really want to secure their freedom, we have to economically empower them,” Tsürha said.
The Miqlat Ministry believes in the growth of a person by diving into the word of God, she said, adding, “And that is what we do.”
The award, this year, was handed over by Kovi Meyase, Secretary, Excise and Prohibition, who was invited as the chief guest.
Meyase said that the recipients of the award falls in a select category of people who are worthy of being called the ideal citizen. “Thank you for your contributions and services to our people and our society. May you continue with your good deeds, selfless and unbent, and be an inspiration,” he said.
According to him, the individual in whose memory this award has been instituted and the continued accomplishments of his heirs are all part an embodiment of a high order of integrity and probity in public life and service. He said, “In a time and a land where the end almost always seem to justify the means, where might make rights, where good people are more often than not capitulate and yield, the significance of moments like this occasion to me is enormous.”
He said that the award far surpasses the cash prize, an award that is symbolic of the unwavering spirit of the eponymous benefactor. This award, he added, “is emblematic of that rare spirit, and that rare creed of truth and justice, virtue and morality.”
The Chalie Kevichusa Essay Awards 2024 was given to Vikrino Kuotsu and Ojungsangla Longkumer in the youth and senior category, respectively. The awards were handed away by Monalisa Changkija, publisher and Editor of the Nagaland Page.
Changkija, in her tribute to Chalie Kevichusa, described the late journalist and editor, who was assassinated, as “one of our finest writers.” “I believe he would have wanted his words, his writings, to reach across all shores,” she said.
In his untimely death, she said that Nagaland’s media fraternity suffered an irreparable loss, and so much more his dear and near ones.
“Chalie, and indeed a lot of us older ones, lived in a bizarre world at a bizarre time when violence was the lingua franca of those who claimed to represent and speak for us. It was a time we knew the odds were heavily staked against us but we actually lived,” she said.