Naga Hoho terms directive as shocking

Calls State Government’s directive to employees 'beyond comprehension'


KOHIMA, JULY 21 (MExN): The Naga Hoho today stated that the directives issued by the State Government asking government employees to disclose relatives in the Naga movement “is really shocking and beyond comprehension.”

“The Naga people, be it government servants or layman, cannot deny their involvement and contributions to the Naga political struggle one way or the other,” a press release from the Naga Hoho stated. 

It questioned the wisdom of the concerned authorities for “imposing such irresponsible orders making the government servants insecure of their sincere and dedicated service.” The order also implies lack of trust and confidence on its employees, it added.  It said that of late, the Naga Hoho has appealed to the Governor of Nagaland-cum-Interlocutor to come out with clarity as to why Naga political groups should be termed as “armed gangs”.

In the same manner, it appealed to the government of the day and the Governor of Nagaland to tell the Naga people the reason behind the signing of self-declaration by the government employees.

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