Nagaland has 2nd lowest registered doctors in India

Number of doctors possessing recognised medical qualifications and registered with State Medical Councils ot erstwhile Medical Council of India

Number of doctors possessing recognised medical qualifications and registered with State Medical Councils ot erstwhile Medical Council of India

Morung Express News
Dimapur | March 17 

Nagaland has the second lowest number of registered doctors in the State Medical Council after Mizoram, according to figure provided by the Union Health Ministry in Rajya Sabha on March 16. 

The list of “number of doctors possessing recognised medical qualifications and registered with State Medical Councils / the erstwhile Medical Council of India” informed that a total of 141 doctors were registered with Nagaland Medical Council as of December 31, 2020.  

It was lowest in Mizoram with just 118 registered with the Mizoram Medical Council. The third lowest was Arunachal Pradesh at 1246. 

Maharashtra topped the registration at 188540, followed by Tamil Nadu at 148216 and Karnataka at 131903.

Among the North East States, Assam had the highest registration at 24960, followed by Tripura (2681). 

The States of Meghalaya, Manipur, and Sikkim, incidentally were not on the list provided by the Minister of State, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Ashwini Kumar Choubey in reply to an ‘unstarred’ question on ‘shortage of medical personnel like doctors, nurses, etc’ in the country. 

Overall, the Minister citing information provided by the National Medical Commission (NMC) said that 12.89 lakh allopathic doctors were registered in the country as on December 31, 2020.

“Assuming 80% availability, it is estimated that around 10.31 lakh doctors may be actually available for active service,” he said, adding that there are further 5.65 lakh AYUSH doctors available in the country. 

“Considering the above, the doctor – population ratio in the country is 1:845,” he maintained. 

Further, as per records of the Indian Nursing Council (INC), there are around 22,72,208 Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (RN&RM),9,34,583 Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANM) and 56,842 Lady Health Visitors (LHV) in the Country, he added. 

However, Nagaland was neither listed in the ‘State Wise Number of Registered Nurses in India’ annexed by the Minister in his reply nor it figured in the INC’s Annual Report 2019-2020. 


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