Nagaland NGOs Forum general meeting cum seminar held

Dimapur, January 11 (MExN): The general meeting cum seminar of Nagaland NGOs Forum (NNF) was held with the theme, ‘Upholds the Right’ at Hotel Jalmahal, Dimapur on January 8. Altogether 32 NGOs from all over Nagaland participated in the event, stated a press release. 

The key speakers, Rev Dr PBM Basaiawmoit, Consultant, North East Dialogue Forum from Meghalaya spoke on AFSPA and Temsuwangshi Jamir, Joint Asst General Manager, NSDMA, Nagaland, spoke on Sustainable Development Goals. 

The out-going President Dr Hishito Y Chishi stressed that the vision of NNF is to cultivate and promote holistic approach of community building, to accept the similarities and respect the differences of common interest, to co-ordinate and network with different entity under one universal  umbrella of community living, to identify the need of the society and advocated namely individual family and community, and to promote and empower Nagaland NGO Forum through different Schemes, Projects, Programs  and Activities.

During the meeting, the Forum also installed a new team of office bearer with Advocate Povotso Lohe (Nagaland Industrial Entrepreneur Association) as the President and Nungsangmeren as the General Secretary.