Nagaland Police advisory on job frauds

Dimapur, July 19 (MExN): Nagaland state police administration today issued caution to the citizens to be vigilant against some vested, unscrupulous individuals and groups out to lure innocent people into various fraud opportunities and incentives. The Nagaland police have urged the public to report to the police such undertakings for verification. 

The police took notice that unscrupulous individuals or parties with questionable credentials are operating in Nagaland, luring unsuspecting and gullible members of the Naga public with offers of attractive opportunities for employment, studies and even free sponsorship, outside the state particularly in South India. “Many such motivated operators have on monetary or other considerations have duped and taken away several Naga youths and children to various places only to abandon them to their fate, to face untold hardships, leaving them incommunicado, cheated helpless and stranded in extreme cases loss of life in unfamiliar locations later,” the police said in an advisory from the PHQ.

In the interest of the safety and wellbeing of innocent, trusting aspirants, venturing out for better opportunities, the Naga public is advised to ensure that any such offers should be immediately brought to the notice of the District Superintend of Police or directly to the PHQ. Prompt checking and verifications will be carried out with the destination state’s Police counterparts, the police assured. “

Such pre checks/verification will save all concerned from any avoidable dire consequences in future. This advisory is not with a view to discourage any ambitious and adventurous aspirant but to avoid any consequent misadventure and possible losses. Dear public, help us to help you,” the message added.