Peren district volleyball tournament kicks off

PDVA officials with special guest, MagangumHiekha after the inaugural ceremony on Monday at Jalukie ‘B’ village ground.

PDVA officials with special guest, MagangumHiekha after the inaugural ceremony on Monday at Jalukie ‘B’ village ground.

DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 28 (MExN): The first Peren district inter-village/town volleyball tournament for both men and women kick started on November 28 at Jalukie ‘B’ village ground with Jalukie Valley Youth Organisation (JVYO) president, Masangum Hiekha as the special guest. The tournament is being organized by Peren District Volleyball Association (PDVA). 

The Peren district volleyball team selection will be done through this tournament. Altogether, 25 teams are participating in the tournament with 15 teams in men’s category and 10 teams in women’s category.

On the inaugural day (men’s), Azailong defeated Old Jalukie; Old Beisumpui beat Lalong; Deukwaram A upset Mbaupungchi and Nkialwa defeated Nkwareu. 

While in wome.s category, Keningkunglwa beat Jalukie Town; Nchan defeated  New Jalukie and Vongkithem downed Jalukie ‘B’.

At the programme, felicitation to the champions team of the first Nagaland Open Volleyball Tournament was done by District Sports Officer Peren, AsekhoTalie.  

The special guest also declared the tournament open. The programme was chaired by PDVA general secretary, Itolang Hiekha; invocation was offered by Pastor Jalukie ‘B’ Baptist Church, Rev Heuziebe; presidential address was delivered by president PDVA, Kirangbe; special number by Kenlumyile; oath was administered by technical secretary PDVA, Idalia Samding.