Quiz #438

1. What was the total forest cover in Nagaland as per the ‘India State of Forest Report 2023’ (ISFR)?
a. 11,222.47sq km
b. 12,222.47sq km
c. 13,017.35 sq km 
d. 13,117.35 sq km

2. According to the ISFR 2023, how much did the forest and tree cover in Nagaland decline between 2021 and 2023?
a. 125.22 sq km    b. 260.22  sq km
c. 260.22  sq km    d. 794.88sq km

3. Based on VIIRS-SNPP sensor, how many fire incidents were detected in Nagaland during the November 2023–June 2024 season? 
a. 1030         b. 2609 
b. 3471         c. 3882

4. What does SEO stand for in technology?
a. Search Engine Optimisation
b. System Error Output
c.  Secure Encryption Overlay
d.  Software Engineering Operation

5. Who is the new  President of the Athletics Federation of India?  
a. Abu Metha 
b. Bahadur Singh Sagoo
c. Sandeep Mehta
d. Adille Sumariwalla

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Answers to Quiz #437: 1.B; 2. B; 3. C; 4. A; 5. D

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