Remembering Vizosül Lüho

Rev RümathoNyusou
Executive Secretary, Pochury Baptist Church Council

The sad news about the demise of Vizosül Lüho has resurrected myriad of fond memories about him in the hearts of the Pochury people. Though an Angami from Khuzama, Vizosül lived in Pochury land, worked with Pochury people and spoke Pochury dialect like Pochury. On September 18, 2018 when I went to see him in his house at Khuzama, we spoke only in Pochury and his diction and accent were original Pochury. The Pochury people in whose time he came and worked will miss him dearly and consider his dead a personal loss.  

Though the Pochury Baptist Association was formed since 1958, there had been no fulltime church worker stationed in the Mission Center until the arrival of Vizosül. In 1967when he landed at Shatüza with his newly married wife, he scripted history by being the first fulltime Field In-Charge of Pochury Baptist Association and also the first Headmaster of the newly established Bible School. They welcomed their first child while they were at Shatüza. She was named Tasi, a Pochury name. Few Angami friends know that Tasi has another Angami name as well but it is learnt that the Pochury name has stuck to her to this day. While most Angami pioneers loved to give Pochury children an Angami name, Vizosül picked a Pochury name for his child. This seems simple but that is one example where Vizosül stands out.

One other character about this man of God was his ability to bond and blend with people, especially with regard to language. As he related to me, in the first year of his ministry, he struggled and communicated to his students and congregation with the help of an interpreter. In the second and third year, he had already crossed the language barrier. He left an interpreter and started to communicate effortlessly as he became well conversant in Pochury. He had worked only for three years with the Pochury people but the legacy he had left behind is still intact and his strategy in mission field is worth emulative.

Today, our dear Vizosül’s roll was called and up yonder he is there with his Master. Painful as it is to all of us but more so to the bereaved family, may the thought of his appearance in the presence of the Lord comfort all his loved ones. God has given and God has taken back. May the name of the Lord be gloried through Vizosül Lüho. May his example inspire us to love one another and live our lives doing what the Lord wants us to do.

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