Fifteen years of deadly silence the peace talks between India and Nagaland which created rumors, predictions, interpretations led to utter confusion.
With the hope of a lasting solution to the 6 decades long conflict; one with the internationally recognized right to self determination, whole generations of Nagas grew up in an the Indian Armed Forces occupied Nagaland.
Though hopeful the feelings of these generations, who know nothing but soldiers with guns in their land, were dimmed because no tangible, no solid, news is coming from the negotiators who represent them, neither from the Indian nor from the Naga side.
And that is not all: Nagas who stand up for their right and fight for their nation against the Indian Forces are arrested and languish in jail. What did they do to deserve such treatment while a mutually agreed upon ceasefire is up and running and talks for peace are taking place, talks which should lead to an honorable end to this post colonial conflict?
They are charged with ‘procuring arms and waging war against the state of India’.
If these charges were not so deadly serious they would be comical. Why? Because India waged war against Nagaland (1954) when it could have settled the conflict amicably. India procures arms and, it is interesting to note that India is among the largest importers of arms in the world, uses them against Nagas and other peoples in India; this next to the weapons is fabricates in its own factories. This is a painful inequality and so based on international human rights India also has committed itself to the Naga International Support Center urges the Government of India to:
* end colonial rule so the peace talks can truly be expedited
* end the tactical Divide and Rule game
* show good faith by releasing all Naga political prisoners
* look into the shared sovereignty agreement between New Zealand and Niue and how this shared sovereignty is practiced
* honor the UNO covenant on the right to self determination of all peoples
* show true democratic colors by solving this festering conflict
Issued by:
Naga International Support Center, NISC
A human rights organization