The fleeting Nagas & the peril of the inferior man: To ponder

Mutsoi P Khiamniungam
Modern College Kohima

Nagas, after 50 plus years of statehood attainment, are being confronted by a savaged socio-cultural and political change. Grumbling and reluctance about anything under the sky has become a part and package of our Naga society. Massive measures of strain, challenges, frustration and dissatisfaction has engulfed our transitional voyage to progress.Our society, once living an ideal system is now being engulfed by our ‘greed and bigotry’’, difficult to comprehend our Noble virtue society is commanded by elements totally alien distorted society.

With the inception of statehood and an introduction of new political culture, ethical values and aspiration of the present society has been outlined by defeat and frustration. Our spirits and hopes are now in chains-gripped by morbid fear and intense insecurity which is overwhelmingly widespread. In a democracy which supposes to bestow free enterprise, opportunity and egalitarianism, we now exist in an “oligarchy where ‘rule of reason’ is under attack. The nature of politics in Nagaland is crystal clear; consistency of lousy governance which has created massive unemployment of thoughts. The ideals of democracy laid down by the Indian constitution are over ruled by the self-styled democracy practitioners.

Individualism and murk policies in the distribution of economic opportunities and discriminatory practices in other social spheres of activity stands out as highly intolerable contradiction in the present free society. In our present scenario, status is now hard to achieve by one’s hard work and merit, but can be easily acquired through string pilling and backdoor tactics.The integrity and moral of some poor people's intellect are totally bankrupt by the permissive society where one can be influenced by words like ‘big devours the little’; ‘the strong eats the weak’. It is a society where one prospers by sucking the blood of the poor, the oppressed and the underprivileged.

There are numerous views and opinions shared from every corner about the unprecedented issue and problem but what has been the solution so far? Time has drastically changed everything yet it has failed to bring about any concrete answers to our needful demands and for the past five decades, people have patiently waited for successive state government to put an end to these plight and woes but bungling and juggling is all that is going on. A society can continue to thrive only if it meets the rightful demands of its people for security, for play, progress and opportunity for themselves. And therefore, in light of the references mentioned,the only solution of the eradication of this murk policy is to slough off the colour of clan/village/ tribe and individualism.In spite of everything and whatever our present conditions maybe, the oppressed being the majority group must cultivate spirits of fearlessness, rationalism and dignity. And we must all fight and defy the ‘whole might of an unjust system’. Our leaders, they being the possessors of the greatest influence, must also hence act as guardians for ‘high ideals and principles’, for the benefit of the whole society.