Zopovil Zao
Sometimes the majority is on the wrong side but that doesn't mean the wrong is always right. Needless to say but much is said and done. The Governors letter to the Chief Minister is nothing much but just a tip of the iceberg in a state called Nagaland For Christ.
The real and great issue is the sinking boat. Justify again and again but no amount of justification can withhold you because making another hole in a sinking boat is not going to save anyone. Integrity sold life boats out of stock, want to survive grab one doesn't matter how you get it. Freedom of speech yes very much there in the constitution but all are not fools and neither am I that fool to elaborate all things because the consequences are much more. Just looking at the lives of some of our brothers and sisters trying to survive without any corruption will explain it all.
Dog! Yes the dog. Oh not long ago the BJP Government banned the slaughter of cows and the whole Nagas were taken in for a ride. Some consider cows as their God while some consider dogs as their pet only difference is both are animals (Sorry if am wrong). But! What happened to the cow and what have the dog done. Just to please someone if you are playing bird and animal like the bat then a time will come when u have to prove yourself.
An animal is an animal and a dog is an animal no matter how much you love. Dogs maybe a man's best friend but trying to prove superiority of animals from one another will lead you nowhere because for others some animals are far more greater than the dogs. If you love your pet no matter what animal you can keep it raise it how much you want and nobody's going to kill it if it doesn't loiter nor becomes a menace to the public. Just because you love a pet doesn't mean everyone should follow what you think.
Hope and wish some goat, chicken etc who keeps as pets do not raise any issue because those are not animals. Of course rules can be implemented for the welfare of the people but in a much better and decent way. Rushing something selling others integrity in a cross culture society for someone's benefit cannot be compromised. If the Nagaland Government can ban the slaughter of dogs then the BJP Government have every right to impose slaughter of cows.