UNICEF officials interacts with chief secretary and others

KOHIMA, APRIL 4 (DIPR): Country representative, UNICEF Karin Hulshof and her entourage had an interactive meeting today, April 4 with the Chief Secretary of Nagaland Lalthara IAS, in the conference hall wof the chief secretary.
The chief secretary thanked the visiting officials for their concern shown to the State of Nagaland and asked them to visit more areas at the grass roots to get a clearer picture about the situation in Nagaland. The chief secretary also made a mention about the passing away of Mother Zaputuo of Kohima Orphanage and expressed his concern for giving attention to the orphaned children. During the meeting, commissioner & secretary of School Education, Imkonglemba dwelt at length on the communitization of social sectors and the village functioning in Nagaland. He highlighted on the positive aspect of community participation where social audit is done extensively and also on the good social network, and leadership as strength of the Nagas.
He also shared with the visiting UNICEF officials on the extensive school set up in the villages with about 18,000 teachers. He further apprised the officials that out of these teachers, around 8000 teachers are untrained which he said is an area of concern faced by the education department. He further highlighted on the issue of vocational education in Nagaland, need for refresher course for schoolteachers, pre-nursery school within the school compound. He also felt the need for giving due attention to the differently abled children and the urgency for capacity building for teachers to handle this group of people. Imkonglemba also suggested for building up strong education and health care centres in the all the four international border areas stating, ‘that will be the beginning of business’.
Project director of NSACS, Dr. Changkija briefed on the Community Care Centre located at Dimapur and Noklak and viewed that it is not only a question of care. ‘We also have to look into health, skill development, community participation, cross-border infection and for which we need to work in partnership with the funding agencies’, she observed.
Karin was impressed to learn about the outreach partnership between the civil society and the government. ‘The whole reach out needs to be mobile’, she said. She also said that she was impressed by the rich culture of Nagaland and the fact for using culture and the artists to get the communication heard through out the state. She further said that up scaling of mobile testing units, life skills, mode area of child protection and Integrated Child Protection Scheme might be some areas where UNICEF could extend support. Commenting on low institutional delivery and low pre-natal check ups she further suggested to have one place in the village where villagers could come and learn the information in one place.
The interactive session was aimed to provide some insight into the situation of children in Nagaland, the gaps in existing legislation, capacity and services and the essential actions necessary to improve the system responsible for providing protection and support. Commissioner & secretary for Health & Family Welfare, Menukhol John and representative also attended the meeting from Social Welfare Departemnt.
It may be noted that  Karin Hulshof, as representative of India is responsible for coordinating its network of 13 field offices covering 16 States. She represents the executive director in all aspects of UNICEF’s cooperation with the Government of India. She is also responsible for the development, formulation management of the UNICEF Country programme of cooperation, advocacy with the government and other partners for the enhancement of the survival, protection, development and participation of children and women in national development efforts.
During their visit to Nagaland, Karin and her entourage had a meeting with NMA Advisor, Khesheli, secretary Kekhrie Foundation, Bazo, NOSSAL, Dr. Joyce.

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