
  • Allegation levied against NNC dignitaries slammed
    Dimapur, April 23 (MExN): The NNC Lotha Region has condemned the press statement published on April 21 that falsely levied allegation against Dr. Senka Yaden and working president, 'gen. rtd.' Panger Walling an
  • NPF says Congress is “jealous”
    Dimapur, April 23 (MExN): The Naga People’s Front (NPF) today issued a response to the slew of charges, particularly those associated with details of alleged murky financial dealings and corruption in the
  • NNC veteran late Lakhum Yimchunger laid to rest
    Dimapur, April 23 (MExN): The founding member of Naga National Council (NNC) and War General of the first Naga Independence War (1955-57),  M. Lakhum Yimchunger was born on the June 2, 1877 and died at the
  • Citizen of Phek town appeal to departments
    Dimapur, April 23 (MExN): Highlighting the plights faced by the citizens of Phek Town the Chakhesang Students’ Union, Vice President has written to the authorities of BSNL, NST, Power and PHE departments.
  • 3 Corps donate sound equipment to MBC society
    DIMAPUR, APRIL 23 (MExN): The 3 Corps, Rangapahar donated a set of sound equipments and musical instruments to the Mind Blowers Club (MBC) Society on Saturday, April 23. The equipments were donated under Operat
  • REGION Briefs
    'GB of Phiro was not kidnapped'Dimapur, April 23 (MExN):  A press note received here clarified that Renchumo Odyuo (GB) of Phiro village was not kidnapped by a faction of an underground group in connection
  • Zeliangrong body sharpens its target on 11 Assam Rifles
    Imphal | April 21 : All Zeliangrong Students’ Union–Assam, Manipur and Nagaland (AZSU–AMN) has refused to step down from its aggressive position of seeking the removal of 11 Assam Rifles from
  • Discourse on corruption & way forward
    Imphal, April 21 (NNN): Corruption in public places have taken an epic proportion as against the good old days of yore, said a veteran Congressman and an ex-chief minister of Manipur Rishang Keishang, almost wi
  • Manipur govt appoints Christian member in Minority Commission
    Imphal, April 21 (MExN): The All India Christian Council (AICC) has welcomed the Manipur government’s appointment of a Christian member representative in the state minority commission. The Manipur governm
  • PBC commemorate Palm Sunday
    Ukhrul | April 21 : The Commemoration of Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, which could be marked as one of the most special days, other than Christmas Celebration in the faith of Christians worldwide
  • ‘Truth, honesty ,sincerity will take the Pochuries forward’
    Kohima | April 21 : Parliamentary Secretary, Tourism, Law & Justice, Yitachu today said Pochury tribe will be the major contributor for the Nagas economically as Pochuries are blessed with a land of rice, w
  • All India DOEACC CCC online exam
    Dimapue, April 21 (MExN): RIELIT Kohima will be conducting the All India DOEACC CCC online examination on June 4.  Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) is a two months course however; candidates desiring to a
  • Sazo urges youth to climb positive ladder
    Chizami | April 21 : The 7th general conference of Chakhesang Youth Front (CYF) concluded here today with parliamentary secretary for social welfare and women development Chotisuh Sazo as the chief guest. In th
  • LOCAL Briefs
    Concert in aid of seminar todayDimapur, April 21 (MExN): A concert has been organized in aid of John Mission Dimapur Student Seminar on Friday, April 22 from 5:00 am to 8:00 pm at IMC, Hall, Dimapur, informed a
  • NNC responds to former gen secy statement
    Dimapur, April 21 (MExN): Replying to the press statement made by former general secretary of NNC, V Nagi against the NNC published on March 21, the NNC has stated that it should not be used “in the tune
  • Two-member team starts probe into chopper crash
    Guwahati/New Delhi, April 20 (AGENCIES): A two-member central team of aviation experts Wednesday launched a probe into Tuesday's helicopter crash in the mountainous state of Arunachal Pradesh in which 17 people
  • NDRF conducts community awareness programme
    NDRF displaying rescue operation at  the community awareness programme on Wednesday, April 20. Kohima, April 20 (MExN): A community awareness programme was conducted by the National disaster Response
  • Kewhimiapfü Mechü Krotho observes annual session
    Kohima | April 20 : The Kewhimiapfü Mechü Krotho observed its 27th annual session here today at the Kohima Village Local Ground, Ziekezou. Speaking on the occasion as the chief guest, Vilhouzhalie Dz&
  • Regional news
    Dead body recovered Dimapur, April 20 (MExN): A partially decomposed body of a male was recovered by the police from the Dhansiri river, Dimapur. According to the East Police station, it was found at a spot bet
  • FTC conducts graduation ceremony
    Graduating students present a special song during the 2nd Graduating Ceremony of Faith Theological College, Dimapur on Wednesday, April 20.  DIMAPUR, MARCH 20 (MExN): Faith Theological College (FTC), Dimap
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