The Lord has placed upon my heart that we should examine and look at, about which we should let His spirit speak to us. Yes! As I have prayerfully studied about the certain begin suddenly, I started weeping. And wept, wept, wept and wept! You know, I firmly believe that the spirit of God speaks to His people, and don’t need to hold back that spirit but we need to let it come forth, for it is spirit that is going to purify us. It is the spirit that is going to light is on fire, it is the spirit that is going to quicken us.
So today we are going to study a subject and the name of our message today is “ A Certain Beggar” turn with me if you would to Luke Chapter 16, we are going to start in verse 19, and we are going to read here and find out about a certain beggar who lived in times past, a certain beggar that was transported to Abraham’s Bosom, and a certain beggar that we can learn a lesson from.
Starting in the 19th verse of the 16th Chapter, it says that, “there was a certain rich man, which was clothed with purple and fine linen “and fared sumptuously everyday. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores” This was Jesus teaching. He says “There was a certain rich man was clothed with purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously everyday “He was a man that had choices at his hand. Then we go to the other one, a certain beggar, and this that he was laid at the rich man’s gate, and he was full of sores. You know today we Nagas have a hard time visualizing that, but let me tell you something, that in the countries that we have traveled to, you go to India, you go to Bhutan, you go to Nepal, you go to the Karbi- Anglong and go to Myanmar (Burma), you go to Arunachal Pradesh, you will find this very thing. You will find beggar is in order to receive some sort of offering that they could live you know. We Nagas hide away those that are full of sores, we hide away those that are insane, and we don’t have to look upon them but in the third world, and in the nations that are poorer these things are prevalent in the street. Think of what that would be like to be laid at the gate of a rich man’s house think what it would like to have your entire body covered with sores. Oozing sores, bleeding sores, crushing sores, hurting sores and to lay there hour after hoping and pray and begging within yourself that perhaps you could ever get a crumb from the rich man’s table.
We have grieved God through our riches, and all around the world people are like Lazarus, we refuse to reach out to the anguished, we refuse to reach out to those that are encrushed in their own sores. Because we are BLINDED by PRIDE!! Lets go along and find out and it says that the dogs came and licked his he looks up. Its is only a dog coming pester him. Its is only a dog coming to torment him in his torment and in his pain, who known, I researched this name Lazarus and it was that it means “GOD IS HELPER.” Stop and think about that “GOD IS HELPER” think about of man laying there is that kind of condition and yet his name is “GOD IS HELPER.” Lazarus, a certain beggar, and it goes on and says, “it came to pass that the beggar died” and I can imagine that when that beggar died, that when Lazarus passed on, that he was a happy man, because his life on this earth was misery and his life on this earth was agony that suffering and when he died I am sure that Lazarus was a happy man He was died, but because he entered into life. “And it came to pass that the beggar died and he was carried by the angles into Abraham’s bosom. And the rich man also died and was buried” when the rich man died, it does not say that he took his fine clothes with him it does not say that he took his mansions with him it does not say that he took his sumptuous with him. It was says that he died and was busied. But it says that Lazarus died and was carried by the angles into Abraham’s bosom!
 I wonder how many churches and I wonder how many pastors and I wonder how many God’s people are being led astray in this house and how many of them are following after mammon, and how many are greedy for gain, and how many are bowing down to the god of materialism, and how many are worshipping it and it is nothing but vanity. How many as wasting their inhabitance in Christ on something that shall dissipate. Halliluyah! Peoples we need to realize that we will give an account before God and God is not deceived and is not fooled by our foolishness. God wants a sober people. God wants a labouring people. God wants a people who will be willing to go through the suffering of this life that they can gain glory of the kingdom. That is what God is doing in this hour. It says in verse 23, “And in the Hell” It doesn’t say in the commentary, it doesn’t say in some heavenly dimension, it doesn’t say in the sweet by and by, but it says in HELL,   H-E-L-L!! You know “Hell” is a word that we are afraid to approach in this hour, but there is a Hell and the rich man found his abode there “ Find in Hell he did lift up his eyes being in torments.” He found out what it was like,. Now listen, Lazarus endured evil on a daily basis. Lazarus set every day in agony and in pain, Lazarus had to look upon the full. But it says that Lazarus was carried by the angles into Abraham’s Bosom and it says that the rich man was in hell. IN HELL!
Now he was (Rich man) one that was the beggar, now the tables had turned, and he cried out “ Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus” He became the beggar, he became the one that was pleading, he became the one that was hoping for a change, hoping for a drop of water, and he said “ that he (Lazarus) may dip the finger and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame” the time that we have to repent now, the time that we have to repent now, it is not 50 years down the road, it is not whom we get everything the way we want it, but it is right now! Halliluyah! For the rich man says. “I am tormented in this flame.”
Going back to the scripture, but Abraham said, “Son remember that thou in thy lifetime received thy good things.”
We can either choose to serve the living God, or we can choose to serve the god of mammon, the god of materialism, and the god of variety. Let us give our hearts unto the living God that we might be in LIFE throughout eternity and not in Death… Amen.
 Outreach Challenge Ministries
Psalm one Cottage, B.P.O. Signal Basti,
Dimapur, 797112 - Nagaland

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