Count Your Blessings

Vishü Rita Krocha

There are so many things that happen to us everyday. It may not always be music to our ears because life is not perfect. Its not everyday that I remember to count the things that makes me happy. For instance, a nice gesture from a stranger or a child’s smile that changes my entire mood and lifts me up to a higher ground or it could be something i did wholeheartedly and it actually pays me off with an appreciation or somebody just compliments on my writing(because I love writing ),I could go on because there’re a million things you can count among the mysteries and laidback things of our complicated world.

The other day while coming back from class, I came across a blind man. And actually I was rather moody that particular morning because the rickshaw pullers can be quite irritating sometimes. And then as usual I took an auto to get home. What I didn’t realise was that my co-passenger was blind. Only when he got down before me, the thought struck me. And here I was, failing to see the graces that flow incessantly every day, every moment. The man who was beside me couldn’t see a thing. He had to step his feet forward with the help of a walking stick. And yet he still looked content and happy with life. And we, while we could see all the beauties of nature surrounding us, and set our eyes on all the things that glitter, things that are fancy, and even could buy clothes of our choices, select things according to our likings, read books that interests us, watch shows, movies, attend gatherings and see all of it happening right infront of us.........we fail to count that incredible blessing that enable us to see. Think of them, who are more unfortunate, we’re blessed so much more than we really deserve.

And then there are those who cannot hear, those who cannot speak, and those who cannot walk, and the like. We’re perfect physically and we still complain of the things that do not go as we would want them to. It rains and we want more of sunshine, Sunny day and we think, why couldn’t there be more breeze, wind and we think why this cold? So how are we supposed to be treated? Aren’t those enough graces? We humans are too imperfect sometimes and it is true life isn’t only those rosy rosy things but We can certainly make living a much better journey if we can count our blessing every time something good happens or even those times when something terrible happens. You never know those could be blessings in disguise! Many moments in life can be ugly but instead of cursing those times, we could perhaps be more optimistic and try to reason why. If we’ve made mistakes, its certain those are meant to be learnt from. 

Living to see a new dawn itself is a reminder that “The One” above wants us to live and do something worthwhile. The successes in our lives are the acknowledgements that we’ve put in enough efforts, the tears are just another way of being happy, it also says that we’ve cried out our griefs so that the burdens of the heart would never be inside us again and there are so many other beautiful things set for us. We only have to know how to take them in our stride in the best possible way. Life will be always full of disappointments when you expect too much because even when you’ve done something really great, the appreciations you get as a result will not match to your expections. Its always best to expect less, count every blessing that comes to you, in big or small measures. You’ll see life’s much more than simply treading it.

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