KOHIMA, NOV 21 (MExN): The Educated Unemployed Union Nagaland (EUUN) held an Executive meeting on November 19 at EOS Restaurant Kohima and resolved to organize one day Buffet on December 1. This would be adjacent to the state inauguration day at Kisama during Horn Bill Festival. The main attraction on the Buffet day would be accompanied by live musical entertainment and women in traditional costumes as servers to the guests. On the remaining days from December 2 to 7, traditional dishes of different tribes would be served to all customers on different days. This was informed in a joint release issued by K. Wilson Mongsar, President EUUN and Ezanbemo Erui Press & Information.
The Union has requested all elected members, Bureaucrats, Head of Departments and well-wishers to generously purchase the buffet coupon as a token of donation towards EUUN fund. The Union has also resolved to submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister of India depicting the problems of unemployment and self-employment in Nagaland followed by Six points demand` in the interest of Educated unemployed Youth of Nagaland. The EUUN has appealed to Government 0fficials, educated unemployed youth and the general public to co-operate in the fight for the cause of employment for the present and future generation.
Another joint release issued by Wilson Kent, Chairman Action Committee and Ezanbemo Erui stated that it was brought to the notice of the office of Educated unemployed Union Nagaland (EUUN) that some vested individual/politician/groups has claimed almost 5o% reservation of PMRY beneficiaries in favor of their candidates under Phek District. In this connection, the Union stated that the EUUN would not leave any stone unturned till justice was hammered out. The union has asked those vested individuals/politicians/groups to refrain from such unceremonious actions and withdraw their claims immediately failing which, the EUUN warned that it would not hesitate to take action against the persons concerned.