Farmers learn about latest agricultural tech

Dimapur, May 27 (MExN): With the objective to familiarize farmers with the latest agricultural technologies, ATMA-Dimapur organised a one day farmer’s exposure trip to ICAR, Jharnapani, Bio-Control Lab and Central Institute of Horticulture, Medziphema, for the farmers of Dimapur District on May 26.
Dimapur DAO & PD (ATMA) Ahovi Sema in a press release stated that altogether 40 participants including ATMA officials from four blocks of Dimapur took part. The trip was led Janet Chishi, Deputy Project Director and J. Akato Chishi, Deputy Project Director. Officials representing each block were Sentinaro Longchar, BTM (Dhansaripar), Kunoto Chishi, BTM (Niuland), Puchono, BTM (Medziphema) and Vinoka Kiba, SMS (Kuhuboto).
The team visited ICAR, Livestock unit, Jharnapani and was briefed by Epibeni (SMS) and Dr. Vehelie (SRF) on arrival. The farmers were briefed extensively and were shown different breeds of swine, rabbits and poultry being reared. Improved breeds which were suitable for Nagaland condition were being reared and farmers could purchase them from the institution. The next stop was at the Bio-Control Lab, Medziphema. The team was welcomed by I. Lipok, In-charge and Laurence, Ao. The farmers were explained about the mass multiplication of Trichogramma Spp. and also on its method of use in different crops. Trichoderma Spp., a bio-agent against different diseases was also presented. The Bio-Control Lab also had a vermicomposting unit where methods of vermicomposting were explained to the farmers. The concluding destination for the field trip was Central Institute of Horticulture and Arvind Singh, Technical Consultant showed the propagation of citrus and cashew by budding & grafting and compared them with saplings, where the fruiting was earlier as well as more disease resistant in budded and grafted plants. The farmers were also shown around the demonstration farm where spacing of different crops, inter-cropping and also advantages of using mulches were explained to the farmers.
The release further added that the trip concluded successfully with the farmers of Dimapur benefitting out of the exposure to latest scientific technologies at the different government establishments.

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