The laws of the land can always be changed according to the nature of the situation and circumstances. The present crisis is controversial and sensitive because of the prevailing situation in our land. Over the past few years, the morality of the society has degraded because of the people and the elements that endorses it. A pious and religious Christian will write from a Christian perspective but a lukewarm Christian will write according to his or her own views and ideals. Many may be of the opinion that guns had destroyed the lives of many but the truth is that alcohol has resulted in the deaths of many. Take into consideration the number of those who died by the bullet and those who died because of the menace of alcohol. We live in an age where the evils of the world are making its influence felt through various means.
When the Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act was implemented in 1989, various religious and social organizations voted in favor of it. The success behind the implementation of the act can be attributed to the prayers of believers who prayed and fasted for the success of it. Though enacting the law was partially successful, enforcing the law became a Herculean task.
The sad truth is that the forces of evil are prevailing in our nation because of our lack of commitment to our assigned task. We are to be blamed for the situation we are in and we can blame no one else but us. There are some who are in favor of lifting the ban on the sale of alcohol, but the end result will be disastrous for those whose views are in harmony with that of the world. It is clearly written in the Word that God will bring every deed into judgment and God’s wrath is already on those who are against Him.
Inspite of the implementation of the act, the illegal business still flourishes. I consider wine bars, pubs and the dirty places as headquarters of sin. There are some who gets into this business for pleasure and money. While some take up this ill reputed profession to support the cause of the family. The harsh truth written in the Word is that you will be paid back by what you did. The children that you bore will ultimately end up in hell if you don’t follow God’s way and teach them His truths. If you are sensible enough think of all the harm you did to many. The young boys and girls drinks your sinful provision and enjoy each other. The Lord will hold this against you one day if you don’t change your ways of living.
In regard to the lifting of the prohibition act, I feel that the act should remain as it is. The act was drafted by the government which was appointed by the people. If ever the ban is to be lifted, the sins of our nation will multiply. Can we allow our children to be wayward and enjoy the pleasures of sin with each other? The truth is a wrong is a wrong and legalizing it is the same as allowing our children to sin.
The Word of Christ tells us that “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist has been established by God. Romans 13:1-2. It is to our knowledge that governments are instituted to look after the affairs of the society and nation. The truth is that they are God’s elect but they should also be careful of hurting the one who blessed them with power. Whether the illegal activities continues or not, the act should never be lifted. The need of the hour is to strengthen the cause of the act. The responsibility lies in our hands in fulfilling the purposes of God in our lives.
It is written in the scripture that God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:14. The truths of the Word are the messages of God. So this is an appeal to everyone concerned to think twice before we act that we may not die the second death. If we are for Christ we should stand by what Christ stood for. The legacy of Christ has been passed on to us and we are called to be the torch bearer of our society and nation. The future of our children will depend on what we do now. The Church of Christ prays for you as Christ prays for us. Start the war against evil.
Ambrose. J. Chakre, Founder President
Ambrose Foundation in Christ Ministries, Kohima Nagaland/