A wow and Kudos to all the responsible citizens of Nagaland. Two decades back The state of Nagaland was declared a DRY DRY VERY State. Thanks to the Efforts put in by the Churches and by various organisations and the sagely wisdom of the Legislators of that time. It was a time when money was like lettuce (LAIPATTA) to the Nagas. Our virgin forests were being exploited in full swing sans any restriction, everyone was a contractor. In dimapur the commercial hub of the state, where I was a primary student then, things happened very quickly, It was like the present day Election season, only that it stretched for nearly a decade, like it was never before and never will be. A Natural recourse began, it was like, a life for every trip of 5 acres of forest, forest went money came, money went rum/whisky/beer or popularly 'Lal' came, lal came life went. So Prohibition.Thank you all responsible people. and Most of all PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY for hearing the cry of the NAGAS. God was merciful he was confident Nagas wold live like they pleaded but alas.
Hey,Christians (GOD AND BELIEVERS FORGIVE ME IF WHAT I SAY AND WRITE TODAY BE OF OFFENCE TO HIS WILL) Where do you stand? Living in a democracy, Nagaland being under the Constitution of India follows Democracy not theocracy therefore, having voted the 60 legislatures to their present stature and Office let them be our voice, let us sound our ideas but not blare it without meaning. Lest the people rise against the church and sin.
Many write ups have been done, for and against 'PROHIBITION'.
Dear leaders, religious and political, Why are we facing our Waterloo today? you say prohibition we say prohibition, you say no we say no, this no longer exist.
Let us sit and retrospect, if there were to be an election for and against prohibition. 80% I say, would be against prohibition. I had many instances where people would say for drunkards' and bootleggers 'His money his wish', ' his life his wish' and drunkards' would simply say 'My wish' MOI LAGA KHUSI ASE TO'.
Our society is eroding, we speak prohibition and dole out cash for drinks, every leader church,Government or NGO are a part of the creamy layer immune to sin, if we look in the present context of the Nagas. The aftermath of picnic parties of Legislators Blessed by reverends who are for total prohibition are a sight to behold. Empty McDowells Celebrations Rum bottles would be strewn in the grounds of the commoners tent, enough to build a bunker for three, bottles with never beforeseen lables would be the charm for collectors of empty bottles to boast like the bottles, left behind by the VIPs in their tent areas.I don't think these bottles have anything to do with Christianity. Nagas have been drinking since days immemorial therefore, if people would really like to help out PROHIBITION should not be the catchword for this help. It will help best if its inflow is regulated/quality checked and consumption monitored by issuing smart cards to drunkards and let them die by their own volition, then to have the word prohibition as law and let the people sin twice, once by destroying the temple of God 'the body' and the second by going against the law. Because violation of a law passed by the land is also a sin.
Dear believers, we abhor drunks who are dirty and unkemp, but to behold a drunk filthy richman is a treat to the eye, because their wrath is almost supreme drunk or not to humour them is our best bet and choice. Dear Legislators, let us do it, let us bring a change to our rigid and hopeless system and remove the mark of mockery from our state and identity because we really need it. ALCOHOLISM by far kill Nagas more than any epidemic but the nature of origin being traditional we should tackle it most precariously else its killing spree won't stop.
While the Government can spend Crores of rupees for all kinds of diseases why not on alchoholism the biggest killer. Arrange a district wise debate on alchoholism that culminates in Kohima and the best be favoured, for or against prohibition if et al you cannot make a decision. Its a democracy let the peoples voice reign supreme. The voice of the majority they say, but minority adds the color let us do it.
Mothers and fellow student leaders if you really want to help, let's look for a way to help those affected by the disease, the rich sitting at the top trying to find a voice and say in the present day setting of the Nagas is very pathetic. We simply tend to say 'those winesellers' in the most contemptous way, but do we realise, many do it because they are illiterate and it is the most ludicrous business and many still do it because of health and other family needs. Nagaland looks for empowerment of woman but woman scorns at their peers who sells wine/alchohol and loves them politically, women supports Prohibition, but do not care if their peers die or live (I say so because, because in prohibition these women would be the most affected, in head counts they too figure, politically they are the frontrunners but what would they do after prohibition. Like during the Elections they would still rise defaint as ever because they too have human needs and poof! prohibition once again because they are the roots.)
Our death rate due to alchoholism is solely because its inflow and quality is left unchecked, Nagas are drinking what it would take an expert chemist days to make out the exact composition of the liquor they are drinking hence the death rate. The degrading lifestyle is due to the fact that everyone gives a damn about the law that governs them. A parent who drinks when asked by the children on the law of prohibition wouldsimply say 'everything happens in Nagaland', now to hell with the law attitude creeps in, literate or not the attitude is the same. Why this HYPOCRISY that god most hates? You speak of Prohibition but a day in the life of your elected leader or his aides simply is not done without a bottle or two. Any Party besides the church ,somecases even in the church campus, isn't complete without the final drink. Leaders, the death toll due to alcohol is your undoing, it is because of your hypocrisy. Face the truth, Live the truth.
To the heathens Christianity is a mockery because of a state like ours. A thousand or ten thosand to the world, the 100%-99% non-christians of our state bears the brunt and still manages to say "I am a Non-christian I make wine for domestic use but the lip service of the christians makes me go the extra mile".
(Let us own the rabbit in the trap, not the elephant of the forest.)
N.B. I too am a victim of Spurious alcohol
Peren Town