Introspection on some contentious issues

An attempt is made here to bring to light on some of the contemporary contentious issues of public interest of our state that are wrought with anxieties but often overlooked. Its contents do not necessarily portray a situation reflecting the performance of a particular government or an individual. It is rather an analysis over some prickly issues of concern where most of us are either directly or indirectly involved on the omission or the commission of those issues. I would like to begin by referring to the harsh social conditions of the masses that are often referred to as the underprivileged majority. In spite of the claims of achievements on various fields for the masses particularly in the rural areas by successive governments since the inception of our State, the overall living conditions of the masses today are visibly deplorable, much contrary to the hype on the claims of releases of huge sums of money for them. Thus they continue to languish under poverty, neglect and isolation without pinning much hope for a brighter future and think that the actual development is meant only for the rich or people living in towns. In the absence of any guardian angels that are committed to protect or promote their interest, they are either not aware of or that they are unscrupulously deprived of their shares of the fruits of the State where they are equal partners, for no fault of theirs. The solemn occasion when they feel that they are also equal partners of the State is when they listen to ‘Busti Manohor Karuni Programme’ on the radios, but on  ground realities,  the choice left for them  is to collect only the crumbs of their share that are dropped from the tables of the rich and the mighty. One is so used to see their plights that their misfortunes are often compromised as but natural phenomena for them. Only few conscious persons can notice the hidden harsh and painful realities of their lives that they silently carry within themselves under the facade of their rugged but smiling faces.  Some of their basic needs such as – food and shelter, communication, power and water supply, health services and basic education etc that are provided for them continue to remain in poor conditions especially in the remote areas.  On the issue of law and order, when rampant extortion and other serious crimes are committed often on choice and anti socials are moving scot-free, corruption thriving unabated at all levels, there is neither moral right nor justification to claim that the situation is normal.  Under such an uncomfortable situations of anxieties that are often overlooked, the masses continue to remain its worst casualty. In such a scenario, the claims of achievements made by successive governments for the masses on various fields remain illusory and deceptive. Election is one rare occasion where they could be reached but for wrong reasons. It will not be an exaggeration to hold the view that the aspirations and hopes of the masses are gradually dwindling away, fearing that the system itself is drifting towards a future where it will be difficult for them to pursue for a meaningful existence that they deserve. These are some of the issues of serious concern that should serve as a wakeup call to those that holds the rein of power. 

Let us not forget that today, most of our neighboring States are progressing at the faster rates on various developmental profiles but leaving our State in trailing behind, depicting an unenviable picture where our State is made to press on to dovetail behind some of the younger States of the Northeast, whereas our State that is older than many of our neighboring States should have gone ahead of them in the matter of various developmental undertakings. Besides unending celebrations and indulging in rhetorical cries on what we are or what others are, can’t we not pose for a moment, take a deep breath and examine the conditions of our roads, reserved forest, power and water supply and other institutional infrastructures on which huge sums are invested and compare them with our neighboring States and see the stark differences. What about the present conditions on some of the other  sectors of public importance such as the  ongoing plan of road connectivity under  Look East Policy between the Northeast and Mynmar via Guwahati and  Imphal but leaving the 39 NH high and dry, prospect of opening up an International Airport at Imphal visa vies the proposal to withdrew the services of some Airlines from Dimapur , undue delays for construction of four lane National  Highway between Dimapur and Kohima  and construction of Railway line between Dimapur and Zubza due to land acquisition problems ,   the commercial town of Dimapur virtually  turning into an ideal sanctuary for the criminals, rampant extortion and public leaving at the mercy of multiple masters, our inability to explore mineral resources to our advantage,  corruption as an industry and so on. These are some of the simmering signs of omissions that are adversely hurting our society. We may be gradually evolving a system when the system itself that is meant to protect us will ultimately destroy us if not checked on time. In such a situation, we are badly in need of the skills and the statesmanship of people with the qualities of vision, firmness and God fearing to play positive roles in creating an atmosphere where we deserve to live in peace.

Tali Longkumer,    

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect  the outlook of this paper  nor  of the  Editor in any form.


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