Sano Meru
November 21
KOHIMA, NOV 21 (MExN): The second meeting of the vice chancellor of universities in North East region and Jammu and Kashmir would be held on the 8th and 9th of December. Nagaland University would be hosting the conference under the theme “Vision and Action Plan for Higher Education in North East and Jammu and Kashmir.”
The Roundtable of Vice Chancellors would discuss various matters related to specific problems of Higher Education in these regions. Talking to The Morung Express, Professor G.D Sharma, Vice Chancellor NU, informed that S.C Jamir, Governor of Goa, would be inaugurating the conference on the 8th of December. S.C Jamir, he said, was asked to grace the occasion mainly with this in mind, that he being from Nagaland, would be the right person to address the main issues of the State from the grass roots level. Sharma said that besides 20 Vice Chancellors from the North East, heads of apex bodies and State Education Secretaries would also be attending the Round table conference. During this conference, various important issues to be highlighted include the unemployment of youths, technological and agricultural problems, health education especially in the area of HIV/AIDS, etc. Panel discussions for future vision and plans will also take place. Adding to this, he said that their main aim after addressing the various problems and issues would be laying out a strategy for providing more job oriented courses where maximum human resource could be utilized in these regions for future benefits.
Sharma also said that the 80 Annual meetings of the All India Vice Chancellors would be held at Allahabad on the 24-27, November where various issues of the country relating to higher education would be addressed. This meeting would also include outside universities of higher education like the British Council, American centers, etc who would be providing variable input concerning higher education. Arjun Singh, Minister HRD would grace the inaugural day of the meeting. This he said, would be a great advantage for the meeting at Kohima as various issues would already be addressed and discussion for the future plans would be easier.
Reportedly, the Police Head Quarters’ at Kohima would be the venue for the round table meeting of Vice Chancellors of North East States and Jammu and Kashmir. Around 60 participants would be attending the conference.