Thepfulhouvi Solo
Certain Group has described the recent rampage at Dimapur in the last Week of August and the first week of September 2012 as: “could not be termed as tribal or communal conflict”.
If it is not a Tribal or Communal conflict between Sümis and Angamis, then what is it?
-a Tropical Storm?
-a senseless MOB,
-an insane ACTION by all the inhabitants of Dimapur together,
It was a Madness between Sümis of the Area and the Angamis of Chakhroma Jurisdiction, not between Sangtams and Khezhamas or between Khiamniugans and Puchuris.
The incident is a temporary Madness. Let us call Spade a Spade. Then there will be SOLUTION in the future and there is SOLUTION in our Society. But if we call Spade a Crowbar or Spade a Dao, then there is no Solution to our Ignorance, Foolishness or Madness. There is Solution because Nagas are not permanently Insane or Foolish or Ignorant. They are Mad sometimes only, perhaps a bit too easily but there is humor and laughter easily after that.
Nagas are not permanently Senseless. There is Sanity in their Society like the Sanity of the Sümi Keltomi Village and Angami Kohima Village has shown. There is Mechanism or Ways of Peace in our traditional Customary Practices like the Sümi Keltomi Village and Angami Kohima Village has followed.
There was acknowledgement of Mistakes from the Angami Kohima Village in its eyeball to eyeball meeting with the Sümi Hoho of Kohima; there was Expression of ‘hieko Menga se” (our feeling of much shame) and deep regret openly from the Kohima Village in the face to face meeting. Keltomi Village expressed in no uncertain Terms that the Issue is not one between the Sümis and the Angamis; it is between Keltomi and Kohima Village Council only. Then there came Peace and Solution from the Sümi Keltomi Village and Kohima Village gratefully received. One man received an SMS: ‘Christianity in Nagaland’ for the solution arrived.
If we call Spade a Spade, there is Solution and Peace, but if we burry our heads in the sand like the proverbial Ostrich burying its head in the sand at danger and assume there is no danger, the danger is not solved!
We wished it is not communal but it happened. Let us admit it boldly and openly. Nagaland is a multi-lingual, multi-tribe State. We were head-hunters, hunted each others heads. We do not understand the language of each other. Each fear the other community. This is a natural self-preservation strategy in the head hunting days; it was necessary for self preservation. Even in civilized societies today Parents advice their small children not to accept any ride or Chocolate from any unknown person.
Let us not allow the political aspirants to utilize our weakness and fear of each other’s community for their political self purpose. If we do, each of us will be supporting Tribalism we all condemn in our saintliness.
If we try to hide our temporary madness and call Spade a Pick-Axe, then there will be not Solution.
We must call Spade a Spade, because Spade is a Spade and not an Axe. Only then can we clean the rubbish in our Streets with it.