Forget the former things; do not dwell in the past. Isaiah 43:18
After all the pains and the struggles that you had been through, it would be unwise if you let the sin of unforgiveness defile you. If you have unforgiveness in your heart the sins of hatred will finally destroy you.
From a human point of view we understand the situation you are in. but from a spiritual point of view we fore see that the curses of God’s wrath will destroy all the ones who has unforgiveness in their heart and against all those who plans vengeance against their own brothers. It is not my intention to hurt anyone’s sentiments but it is my desire that you be spared from the curses of God’s wrath.
In every political struggle, killings and betrayals often stains the cause of the movement. And it takes time for the wounds of betrayal to be healed. These sins are the vices which stain the hearts of even the righteous. Every crime committed against mankind is a sin against God. We are often stirred to steal, kill and destroy because of the injustice meted out to us. The mistakes and the sins of the past often stains the relationship between the warring groups. If someone slaps us with brute force we retaliate by slitting the throat of our adversary.
It is to our knowledge that our people were betrayed, deceived and massacred by our own brothers. We cannot deny the sufferings we endured because of the mistakes of some of our leaders. There had been political controversies regarding our political struggle. The truth is that turmoil, chaos and strife is still prevailing in our state (Nation). The real mindset of our people is now beginning to surface through the media. The very purpose of our struggle is that we attain nationhood. We are not ignorant about the facts and truths about the purpose of our struggle. The years of conflict has not only affected our stance but it has also resulted in the deaths of many.
How long will we continue to hurt and curse each other for the mistakes of the past? Life would become much better if we can abide by what we pledged for. We took up arms not to kill our own brothers and sisters but to protect the territories which God has given us. If we still continue accusing each other, we shall be held responsible if things turn out of control. If we are to go into details of all that happened in the past, the vices of hatred and vengeance will definitely lead many to sin. The details of it are horrible and gruesome and the persons who were part of the struggle will find it hard to erase the bitter memories as they live on.
It is no surprising that the truths of all that happened in the past are being revealed. Truths cannot be hidden; neither can the sins of the individuals and groups be hidden. It is clearly written in the Word that “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What we have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. (Luke 12:2-3). What ever is written in the Word is for us to abide by. The truths of it are revealed that we may not become a victim of sin. Whatever is written is written. And if the write ups are based on historical facts, the truths of it will remain as it is. But if some tries to deviate from the truth, the wrath of God will soon befall them.
In regard to this whoever takes responsibility for the mistakes of the past will win God’s favor and His forgiveness. The nature of this write up may not appeal to every one but the purpose of this article is to create an atmosphere of peace, love and security. In regard to the sins of the past, it is clearly written in the Word that our wickedness will be forgiven and our sins will be remembered no more. Hebrews 8:12. We are not to treat the Word of life with contempt for it is written that God will judge all those who rebels against Him.
It is sad that some victims had to suffer eternal condemnation, while many had to grieve over the deaths of their loved ones. God is not blind to the atrocities of the past. He will let justice prevail in the end. But if you consider your authority higher than God’s, divine curses will befall you. If the leaders and the people who sinned in the past, confesses of their sins, God has promised healings, restoration and the forgiveness of their past mistakes. Do not risk your salvation by being judgmental. If the people we accuse are still wicked, let God be the judge. For it is clearly written in the scripture … “it is mine to avenge; I will repay, and again, the Lord will judge his people. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:30, 31. if they are guilty, God will judge them but if you judge them because of their wrongs, God will hold you accountable for rebelling against His authority. If God had forgiven them of their sins, they are forgiven. And if you are also forgiven of your sins, you should forgive as God forgave.
Your problems are our burdens and our burdens are God’s concern. God is there for us and we will be victorious only if we are united in our faith and our struggle. Our prayers are with you and the blessings of the Church of Christ will always be with you. Believe in the truth, work for the truth and secure our future as a nation of God’s anointed. The Church prays. Our children waits and the world watches us.
Ambrose .J. Chakre Founder President
Ambrose Foundation in Christ Ministries
Kohima, Nagaland.