Music, the Power and its Importance

Music is a universal language of humankind. It has no boundary over culture or race. It is understood by people of all age, regardless of identity, rich and poor, or even powerful and defenseless. Music is one way for a human to express himself/herself; it is a form of speech which can express the emotions better than words. Everyone likes music and we are surrounded by music and it has become a prominent feature of our daily life. Today, music becomes so significant in individual and the Church cannot exist without music. The important of music has been talked for centuries, is more evident in our context and will be considered even for centuries.
What is Music? Aristotle says, “It is not easy to determine the nature of music or why anyone could have knowledge of it”. Music is an art of combining vocal and instrumental sounds to produce beauty of form, harmony and expression of emotions. Music is a sound ordered in time or time measured by the sound. It is also an organized sound or medium of expression, thought, and feeling properly arranged with good time and tone. Music throughout the world contains some basic sounds of elements; timbre, duration, pitch and dynamics. Music is an abstract language whose meaning is dependent upon the relationship between the creator and the listener. It is a language, a form, a communication with a sequence of sound and combination of vocal, instrument, rhythm, melody and harmony etc.

Biblical Foundation of Music.
Christianity began in the midst of Jewish society, early Christian converts respected Jewish customs and continued to live and worship God in a unique way. The place that music occupied in Jewish life is very evident.  The people of God have always been lover of songs. Through out the Old Testament, God’s people have expressed their joy, gratitude, praise (Deut. 32:3), battle (2 Chro. 20:21f), adoration, thanksgiving (1 Chro. 16:8-16, Jonah 2:9), encouragement (Isa. 42) sorrow, sadness, determination and dedication through music. Music is first described in sacred history in Genesis 4:20f, the passage enlightens us with brothers, Jabal and Jubal in relation to musician. Jabal is mentioned as a cattle breeder while Jabul is called “the father of all who plays the lyre and pipe.” Music in Hebrew worship was indispensable and inseparable from everyday life. Music and worship connect our relationship with God.  
The flow of music continues even in the NT. References are found, music played at the time of child’s death (Matt 9:23), music and dancing in Jesus’ story of prodigal son (Lk 15:25), Jesus and his disciple sang at the last supper (Matt 26:30, Mk 14:26), singing in worship by the Christians (1Cor 14:15, 26; Eph 5:19f; Col 3:16, James 5:13). Paul and Silas sang in the Philippians’ prison (Acts 16:25), New song of adoration to the Lord (Rev 5:9-14; 14:1-3; 19:1-6).

The Type of Music.
Martin Luther stated “Music must be simple, direct, accessible an aid to piety.” He also warns against voluptuous, effeminate, disorderly forms of music and insisted upon the supremacy of the text. A singer must also bear in mind that knowing the power of music, Satan got into music and plays a good role to let the people (especially youth) go astray from God. There is also a danger in listening and performing the wrong types of music.
The type of music can be classified as “Human music, Satanic music and Christian music.” Human music inspires people, satanic music can move people, but the Christian music can touch and change people radically. In other words, Human music is powerful, satanic music is more powerful but the Christian music is the most powerful. Andrew Fletcher says, Give me the making of the song of a nation, and I care not who not who makes its law.

The Power of Music.
Music can be experienced in different ways that, when a good music is being performed with a zealous heart, the Spirit of God intervenes in a unique way showing His mighty works and power. It rushes down like a violent wind and thunder to reveal His presence before all His creatures. We can see some Biblical references in relation to the power in music.  
Firstly, in Joshua 6 we see that the breaking down of the wall of Jericho was impossible by human strength, but as per the instruction of the Lord, when they blow the musical trumpet. The Spirit of the Lord intervened and the wall of Jericho fell down flat. Here, the victory through music is clearly mentioned.  
Secondly, in 1 Samuel 16: 14-23, Saul the king of Israel was being tormented by the evil spirit. He was desolate, frustrated and without peace however, when David began to play the music, the spirit of God intervened along with the Music and the evil spirit departed from him. Here, a great comfort and relief with music is portrayed.
Thirdly, in Acts 16:25ff, we see Paul and Silas in the prison being chained and locked. However, when they began to sing spiritual song; the Holy Spirit intervened and came with the earthquake. Later they found the door opened and their fastened chains were broken. Music has such a peculiar power that it purges and inspired human that every single cell of the body begins to enjoy. Music can inspire and touch the heart of our Loving God.  
The power of music does not limit only in the biblical world however, music is widely recognized and it plays a great role even with the nature, it has been said that music is used even in farms and gardens. Music has the power to win, teach, inspire, touch and transform all creatures. “Music, the greatest good that mortals know, and all of heaven have below” (J. Milton). Music is undoubtedly of divine creation and is primarily a special gift from God. W.S. Lander, “Music is God’s gift to human, the only art of heaven given to the earth, and the only art we take it to heaven.” Music comes from the heart of God and puts into the hearts of human being. Beethoven, the learned musical genius held the view that music gave a greater revelation of ultimate reality than a philosophy can aspire to do; it gives us knowledge and understanding of God. The joy and peace is always experienced, expressed and reflected in Christian music.
The Primary function of music in the Church service is to lead each congregation to a true worship. The Secondary goal could be to challenge the worshiper with the music that provides an opportunity for much deeper spiritual thought. Music is too important in Church life mainly in two reasons: it wins, instructs or teaches people. It draws people of other faiths to Christ and to draw Christians into renewed and deepened Christian experiences. Music that does not fit with the range of joy, affirmation and contemplation is out of place in Church life. Therefore, music for Christian use must combine joy and reverence.
One of the prominent Church musicians said that ‘the Spiritual Church is a singing Church’. He further says, ‘it is better to have no music than to have music that is contrary to Christian ministry.’ As a Christian, it is very important to know that our main focus should be to convey a message to others through various types of music. Music does as much as preaching the Word of God; therefore we must seriously emphasis the ministry of singing in the Church and other gatherings. Music and joy shall live.
L. Mhonthung Humtsoe, President.
Kyong Baptist Theological Association.

Fundamental of Music with Contemporary Choruses by L. Mhonthung Humtsoe is in the Market again. This is the 3rd Edition – Reprint, released on July and is available with the Author. This Music Theory Book is being distributed to many Churches, Institutions and Individuals. Some Schools and Theological Colleges are using as a guide book in Music Classes. The purpose of this Music Book is to educated, teach, inspire and help the readers to learn the importance of Church Music. The books talk about; the Importance and Power of Music in the Bible; teach about Tonic-So-Fa; Staff Notations; Basic Guitar Chords; Advance Music Theory; Contemporary Choruses and Spiritual songs. People valued and tasted the importance of this Book therefore, 3,500 Copies are being sold and few copies are available. You can have a copy and enlighten your music knowledge. The copies are available even in the OM Book, Dimapur, near City Tower.