Panger L Imchen
The recent climax over the NBCC’s determined move against liquor has posed some premature arguments from the other side. While NBCC is so clear of its demand and sees no unbiblical or unchristian behavior in it. There has been some people who challenged this as unchristian, some even say the Church is going away from its base and entering into politics. There seems to be some confusion spread among the so called intellectuals that, this time the Church will lose its image.
Some even propagate that the Church will be divided over this issue. Is NBCC going beyond its responsibility? Is the move against Govt.? Is it a tug-of-war between the Church and the State? The present Govt. should be thankful to the Church for its great support offered to the Govt. The Church is just beginning to show signs of corrective measures to the society. It is determined to take up more serious issues such as the evil election system, Naga freedom movement and the like. It is in fact, a joint struggle to eradicate the evils of liquor and the sins of alcoholism. What the Church is doing now is very much the teachings of our Lord Jesus the Christ enshrined in His own words “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. What will happen if the Govt. does not respond positively this time? The state should not undermine the common people’s opinion, the pastors, deacons and the apparently ignorant theologians of the day. The Church leaders are not that ignorant and naïve. They can read and reason the law of the land, measure the situation of society are pretty well informed. The Naga Churches follow the mainstream line of the evangelical trends for its holistic ministry. The Gospel is full, only when it is interpreted in terms of one’s societal involvement. There is one Gospel and one solid teaching of the gospel.
It is observed that the Church’s stand on this issue is a sign of social responsibility based on Christian moral ethical values. It will be a sign of fanaticism if the Church shouts only for spiritualism, individual’s salvation and withdraw from the reality of this world. The ministry of Christ was, and is always a ‘down to earth’ ministry and not ‘take away’ from the world. The healing ministry of Jesus not only speaks of spiritual salvation but healing as well resulting in social healing. The issue is not a recent development at all. If the Govt. undermines the demand this time, the issue may turn out to be even political. This issue will be over sooner or later, but the impression of the state printed on society will be unprecedented.
Nagaland is not a Christian state officially, nevertheless a Naga is a Christian by faith and by religion. Therefore, the Church has a vital role and a sense of responsibility in the affairs of the state. It is a unique state. Therefore, though it falls politically under Indian territory, the uniqueness of the Calvinian doctrine of ‘Church and State’ that both equally respect each other especially in a state such as Nagaland. It will be a sign of ignorance and naivity to ignore the socio-political dimension of the Church expressed in the history. It is the Church that gave even expensive measures to the state when the secular state went weak, irresponsible, exploitive and selfish. The evangelical churches such as World Evangelical Fellowship, Baptist World Alliance and even the World Council of Churches and the para churches have the long tradition of social action and involvement in the world. To talk of evangelism is to talk of both preaching the word and doing the word. Evangelism and social action are the two sides of the same coin. They are inseparable and not two separate entities. In line of this, Naga Christians can not and should not be silent while there is devastating social evils and the mass destruction of our Naga genes. Can the Church be a distant spectator and keep preaching about a heaven beyond this world? When Naga youngsters are poisoned, and the state does not perform its responsibility, Naga homes broken, society distorted and the whole state drunk and our future so uncertain?
It will be an erroneous interpretation of the gospel if one thinks to be religious is to be detached from his/her horizontal fellowship with people. Take out action from the gospel, it only remains inaction. To repeat few instances, had it not been for the Wesley revival and its social reforms, England will almost certainly have had its own French revolution, as Francis Schaeffer rightly pointed out. Look at the wonderful scientific achievements of discoveries, inventions and civilization down to history. The philosophies gained its momentum from their religious thinkers. The ancient oriental civilization and moral values were based on thinkers like Lao-Tse, Kung-Fu-Tse etc. The medieval and modern scientific discoveries and advancements are confined within the world view of Christian thinkers one way or the other. The recent political situation in South Africa is an example. Bishop Toto’s movement to liberate the 85% black nationals and Nelson Mandella’s 24 year imprisonment are signs of responsible Christian involvement. The WCC’s sanction to Latin America for the freedom of natives there are sound Christian responsibility. Of the 33 signatories who launched open protest against the cruel Japanese regime in Korea (1919 May 20), 15 of them were committed Christians including 7 ordained ministers. Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of those who openly opposed the dragonic Hitler and to crush his satanic ‘meine Kampf’. The Church was out rightly blamed for her miserable failure towards her socio-economic responsibility that lead to the rise of Marxian Communism in Germany and Europe in the 19th Century.
Look at some of the religious teachings on liquor and its effects on man/woman in his/her relation to society and his/her Creator. The Sanskrit term ‘Soma’ is derived from Arabic ‘Som-ras’ meaning wine. Of the four Vedas of the earliest Hindu Literature, Soma Veda deals with the use and danger of wine. In all Brahmanic and Upanishadic Texts, a good Hindu is abstained from strong drinks and intoxicant drinks. The Vedic texts teach a Hindu not to drink for fear of losing his/her sense. The 5th Rule of Buddha’s 8 noble Truths teaches “Obey the law, walk steadily in the path of purity, drink not liquor that intoxicate and disturbs the reason”. Lao-Tse the founder of Taoism in China warned that liquor disturbs man’s natural nature. Kung-Fu-Tse the founder of Confucianism and the greatest moral philosopher China has ever produced taught in his ‘Golden Rule’ that wine disturbs man’s purity of heart. Basing on his teaching the State legislated against wine which reads “The State forbids the use of wine on the ground that it proves to the cause of almost all evils on earth”.
In Muslim States, all civil and criminal laws have their foundation on the Holy Quran. Thus, in the 6th century, having realized the causes the evil out of liquor it was resolved and law was made to abstain from liquor (in Mecca).
According to 1983 report, Iran has declared “enforcement of prohibition of consumption and sale has reduced alcohol problem to non existence”. So also Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, Arab Republic, Kuwait, Qatar have the laws prohibiting manufacture, import and drinking of liquor. These States have proved to be more clean from the evils caused from liquor. Pakistan and Bahrain have the laws that a Muslim cannot make and drink wine. Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon and Sudan have the laws that a Muslim cannot drink wine and make it either. If non Christian States have realized the evil effects of liquor and are able to do away from its satanic culture, can’t a Christian land such as Nagaland do it?
Some may be tempted to take shelter in his tradition of drinking by rationalizing that Nagas are used to drinking wine. But the history of Church in Nagaland shows that those who had given up drinking culture has proved to be more advanced in education and living better.
Having read the context and feeling of the public opinion the State cannot take easy this time. If it does, it will be considered as anti-people. The Church is well aware of the pros and cons of the overall situation and its side effects of their demand. It has measured and found that by passing prohibition Bill the State will not lose anything but gain people’s credential. It should be clear that the Church is aware for a possible bleak flow of wine in the post Bill. But its main concern is for the future Naga generation from self ruin. There is too big a difference between free flow and underground flow of liquor. If the State was conscious and responsive to the great awareness move launched in 1984-85 organized by some intellectual societies, the drama this time would be different. But instead, the State multiplied wine shops and free flow of wine. That time, Mokokchung town, with a 25000 total population had 17 wine shops and 25 licenses totally overlooking the law of the land. The State should not fear that it is bowing to the Church. It is a common effort against evil design. In fact, it should have been the State that is more conscious minded and safeguarding the ignorant people when the they are unaware. The State should lead the people in the right course of direction. The State should not have exploited the people destroying future Nagas for the sake of money unless it were motivated towards selfish gains. Therefore, the Prohibition Bill is a must before it is too late.
(This paper was published by Naga Scholars’ Society during the height of debate on Prohibition Bill in June 1989. The same is reproduced by NBCC for the benefit of the people.)