Opinion on August 31 incident

I as a concerned Naga would like to share my point of view on the action of Kohima Village Youth Organization of August 31.  
First of all, was it necessary for the members of KVYO to torture someone in such in-human manner which resulted in the death of that individual who was apprehended in suspicion of theft? Nagas are Christians and in a society like ours was such torture more righteous and greater in example than showing mercy?  

Panchayat hall or council hall is place of justice for those guilty or not but death in the sacred house of justice will remain in the annals of Naga history. Is it justified for the KVYO to cause death to someone on suspicion?

It is to be noted that taking the law into their own hands by KVYO members and causing death to someone is a direct insult to the government, administration and police. It is also direct condemnation of Naga customary law as never in the history of Nagas no one has been condemned to death or caused to death inside a panchayat or council hall.   

Wise and elderly people of Kohima village should never allow such irresponsible individuals to lead an organization as such individuals would never endedavour to bring the Nagas together in peace but rather create ism and division among the people.

The KVYO must have taken pride in the death of Lt. Kivika who lost his life on suspicion of theft but the bereaved parents have forgiven the perpetrators of the heinous action. True Christians are the parents of Lt. Kivika who could forgive those responsible for the lost of their beloved son. 

KVYO must understand and take is as an example of how parents of Lt. Kivika have forgiven them. And, learn to live in a society as responsible citizens.

Y. Khehuto Zhimomi
G.B. Midland Colony