Remaining traffic restriction along NH-29 Chathe-Kukidolong stretch

Dimapur, January 9 (MExN): The total restriction of all movement from Chathe River Bridge (Patkai Bridge) to Kukidolong as notified by Dimapur Deputy Commissioner Rajesh Soundararajan on December 16, 2020 will continue on the following days and time:

The DC had stated that the restriction was necessitated to facilitate speedy completion of the four-lane construction works and as a precautionary measure to prevent any injury, loss of life and damage to property.

General public has been advised to take the alternative route from Dimapur-Kohima / Kohima - Dimapur for light vehicles only via 7th Mile-New DC office-Shokhuvi-Razaphe-Mhaikam-Pimla-Mhainamtsi-Jhornapani/Medziphema and vice versa.