
  • Corruption and Social Relations
    The debate over corruption is often dominated by moralist and judgmental viewpoints. And, in this sense, the discourse around corruption has been influenced by an attitude of ‘class.’ Therefore, cor
  • An adulterated existence
    Moa Jamir The recent discovery of fuel adulteration across Nagaland has belatedly jolted the state government out of its slumber by instituting a Special Investigation Team to probe the matter.   Dit
  • Natural calamities continue to rattle
    Witoubou Newmai   The fast advancing world is still unable to prove its worth when it comes to tackling natural calamities. The modern world continues to hobble to mitigate the fear of an earthquake. Th
  • Letter from a Legislator
    Aheli Moitra   Dear Citizens,   Greetings on behalf of 60 Legislators of the State!   As you know, we love you and swear by our bounden duty towards you; this has moved us to write direc
  • The End of Impunity for Armed Forces?
    Dr Asangba Tzüdir   The recent pronouncement made by the Supreme Court that the Army cannot use excessive force in its ‘counter-insurgency’ operations in areas declared disturbed c
  • Democratization & Reconciliation
    If the process to finding peace is democratic, inclusive, participatory and reconciliatory in nature, then, there is a better possibility that the outcome itself will reflect these qualities.   The chal
  • Of shuffling and expansion
    Moa Jamir   In the second cabinet rejig since coming to power, Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Union Council of ministers last week inducted 19 new faces while dropping five ministers and swapping key
  • Quality Education
    Witoubou Newmai   “Education gives meaning and values to life.” Prakash Javadekar said this moments after he was sworn-in as Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) on Wednesday. While
  • The need to remember
    Aheli Moitra   Imagine for a moment that journalists in Nagaland decided to report only events organised by institutions that are representative of all genders at every level.   Large swathes of
  • ‘Disturbed & Dangerous’?
    A Paradigmatic Exception  Dr Asangba Tzüdir For over half a century, precisely 58 years, India’s North East has witnessed and still continues to witness the harsh realities of a hugel
  • Reflecting on the National Workers
    Does each and every generation bear a duty to accomplish what is possible within their time? And like a relay race, is each generation expected to pass on the lighted torch to the next generation? World over, m
  • A Prism for the Rainbow
     Aheli Moitra   Isak Chishi Swu (1929-2016) was born, and lived, in the most significant times of modern Naga history. The year he was born, in 1929, saw the first on-paper collective articulation
  • A Communicating Church
    Dr. Asangba Tzüdir The word communication finds itself woven in many meanings and thereby the difficulty of communication. On the facet of communication in relation to the church, the church today finds
  • The Naga Heart
    The Naga Heart is the pulse, the heart beat and the life blood of the people’s existence. It is the thread that runs through the Naga peoples’ future, past and present. It is the unifying factor and
  • Intellectuals need to expose the lies
    Witoubou Newmai We are left convinced that the prevailing situation in Naga society is attributed to the leadership vacuum. This trend has not only brought about a great deal of anxiety among the people but
  • Silence of Unreported Crimes
    Abokali Jimomi   It is the duty of the State to ensure that every child is protected from all forms of violence. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the international legally bindi
  • Nagaland Vision 2030 - II
    Envisaging our Development Pattern Dr Asangba Tzüdir The Nagaland Vision 2020 was envisaged with the “will to excel” as part of the Nagaland State Human Development Report 2004 focus
  • How Long?
    How long will it be before the people challenge their leaders to work for future generations instead of focusing on their next election?   How long will it be before Nagas realize that there are constru
  • Stick to Issues, not rhetoric
    A constructive dialogue is the need of the hour Moa Jamir   The ongoing sparring – with accusation and counter accusation- between a Naga political group (NPG) and an anti-corruption/taxation W
  • An outdated Act?
    Witoubou Newmai   Simply refusing to repeal the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) is one thing. Concertedly defending the imposition of the draconian law on the face of heart rending
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