Dear Diary....

Vishii Rita Krocha

If there’s one friend who never grows tired of listening, who’s there when you want to speak your heart out and who’s just more than willing to share your burdens or joys, its the never failing companion I call “Diary”

Whoever thinks only a human can be a friend has perhaps never be friended the things that can sometimes outdo human friendship. For even art and beauty spoke to those who sought their company and nature gave solace to the poets. Try speaking to flowers. They actually seem to listen to what you say. Dogs they say are man’s best friend. If there are things as such, which can give good company to the lonely and to those who longed for a little comfort, one thing I’m sure, they were never disappointed, just as my pen never fails me.

Its odd to think a diary can be a friend in need and a friend indeed. Ever found someone who’s never bored of listening to your heart? Come to think of it! A Diary is a good listener, a consolation, always-there-for-you-companion, a heartache reliever, a joy to keep, a reminder, a treasure box of sweet sweet memories......its a good whole package of a friendship that is rarely found in human relations.

Some things you want to share to somebody but it feels like there’s none who would actually listen and see it from your point of view to say, sometimes you feel literally down the drains and its only in the silence of thoughts, words form to explain the way you feel. These are times when diaries play the part of a friend that has no other match. You pour your heart out, anger, frustrations, secrets you want to keep, things you feel but never want to say it out loud, dreams that you see, just anything at all, you can simply tell your diary. At times it’s more than a friend.

A day’s schedule - one may not really want to listen to what you did the whole day or at least how you felt and what things were on your mind. Diaries never mind to have you penning down the details, every bit of it. Occasions when you seem to enjoy more than you ever did during ordinary days and people are too busy to actually sit down with you and talk, diaries come to thought as the only consolation you can turn to.

It’s a storehouse of wonderful days gone by and a friend that stands by you, not just where the wind blows but when the sun shines or sets, when it rains or simple when you a stronghold to take a grip on yourself. Dear Diary, There’s none who knows my thoughts better than you do, none who reads my mind like you and none who can take my place.

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