Dr. Aola Imcha
Personally I think the most difficult thing to implement in ones life is the feeling of being satisfied with what u have or have achieved. Even though I am writing this, I haven’t been able to master it myself. Just the other day a friend of mine asked me, “How satisfied are you with Life?” I replied “Well, I am for the time being”. Ironic but true, most of us are actually never satisfied with what we have and desire for something more.
I thought what an insightful subject to argue about .After debating a lot on this topic with my friends and families I realized that most people are not really satisfied. I keep reasoning for days and argued about whether it’s a good or bad thing to feel unsatisfied. I’ve been thinking a lot about this myself lately. How can one ever feel the contentment of the very best and feel no desire for more?
I have an amazing job, a wonderful husband and I am turning into the kind of independent woman I have always wanted to be. But there are always new things that I can do think of and want every single day to improve the quality of my life. I always ask myself “what can I do to enhance the quality of this day”? Every day is a new beginning, facing new challenges, hence striving for more. Our human race is notorious for being afraid of venturing into new things or making wrong decisions in life. But sometimes we have to take upon this chances and challenges to get what we desire or want to reach our ultimate goal. But what makes us decide that what we have is not good enough? What sends us over the edge of contentment and into the depths of a never-ending ravine looking for satisfaction? Is being satisfied a good thing or a bad thing? Maybe good because there is a feeling of contentment but on the other hand if we are satisfied with what we have, how can we ever move forward in Life?
To say that you are satisfied, is to say that you don’t want something better and what you have is enough. Well for me that’s not good enough. As humans we always want more. A better job, nicer place to live, more money perhaps, more friends, more time etc the list goes on. Now, I bet many might disagree with me but I am sure there are plenty out there who feel the same way I do. Some might call that Greed but I would rather call it striving to have the very best. Why should we settle for anything but the best? It’s like giving up before you even cross the finish line.
In today’s world even working hard is not enough. With the dizzying rate of change globally and increasing competition we must not only be educated but re-educate and re-invent ourselves. We must develop our mind and continually sharpen and invest in our development of competence to avoid becoming obsolete. How many people out there are satisfied with their life? Not many that I know or can think of. We all want to improve our quality of life and gain the respect of everyone. If you end up as the President of your company, you should want to lead a larger company. That competitive mind should create the zest in you so that you can strive to be the best you can.
This world of ours is a platform for competition. Starting from interviews, elections, sporting events, beauty contests, just about everything …when you break them all down, they are nothing more than competition. Everyone wants to win, no matter what the competition is for. It’s only human nature. If you fail to have a competitive mindset, you’ll be lost in the dust as others pass by. The day you stop wanting more is the day you might as well quit. Life itself is complicated and full of challenges. It is a constant struggle to move forward. You should never be content with where you are at until the end, when you can look back and say that you gave it your all. Isn’t this the ultimate goal for everyone?
I’m no better than anyone else. The human condition can be summed up in two words: “never satisfied”. Not the best feeling in the world perhaps, but yes, possibly also responsible for most human progress. In life nothing is to be feared. It is only to be understood