As fellow Nagas, it is disheartening to see the entire episode of unrest between Nagaland and Manipur. Without prejudice against any individual or organization, as concerned Nagas for the betterment of Nagaland, We would like to share our views on the current scenario.
One important thing that we (Nagas) must realize is that nobody is hell-bent by any NGO’s or organization; it is the government-elected that should act, re-act, speak and stand for the people. The role of NGO’s is to bring about peace and tranquility alone and nothing else.
The blockade would definitely affect the Nagas in general as it would leave an indelible mark in the history, quoting the Bible “You reap what you sow” this will surely bear a fruit that will be bitter to all—Now the question is whether those Naga NGO’s who have initiated the so called bandh going to feed and provide basic necessities for the entire state in incase any other organization put into force a bandh against Nagaland??. The point is, one or two organization(s) cannot not speak or fight for the entire Nagas. If for instance we conduct another plebiscite it is for sure the results will totally be different and embarrassing. Let the people decide how and what to do not individuals or organizations.
The state government is to be questioned on this issue for being just a spectator— the so called elected members are just worried about how to gain political mileage by pleasing different organizations not realizing that they have opened the doors for a “Total Destruction” for Nagaland (How long will it last). We have not seen any issues (for a solution) being brought up by any political party of Nagaland on this proposed blockade/stalemate so far. What is the state government doing? Are they sleeping or too scared to loose the next election if they speak out ‘For’ or ‘Against’ it or are they busy for the Road shows, entertainment, making plans and projects to stack their bank accounts?. The state government has totally failed on its part to support the general public. To keep in mind, it will be the people who will be voting back any government to power not individuals or organizations. Do not take the general public for a ride.
Yes, monetary game has spoiled the beauty of politics, nevertheless the voters also share the major chunk of the blame because, Voters want only money not development and this has allowed politicians as well as the bureaucrats (sidekicks of the politicians) to squeeze the States coffer for their political venture.
Every individual or especially whichever “government”, must understand that by Gods grace Nagas of today are no more gullible like how we were decades back. We are well aware of what is happening politically, socially and even economically, Nagas cannot be misguided by vested interest individuals.
Talking about NGO’s for instance NSF—it is to work for the welfare of the students, schools etc. not to get involved in politics or use it as a platform to highlight oneself for a political career. Hoho’s (of every tribe)— a body for the wellbeing of various tribe(s) that would garner unity and peace but not “divide and rule” or to dictate. Especially Churches—their role is to impart the Gospel of Christ not Gospel of division or politics etc. For instance we see in many churches where the Deacons were the yesteryears Crooks (retired govt. servants/businessmen/politicians) who think they can still work in the sanctity of God as the King-makers. How can we expect the Church to feed its flocks with the word of God with such people at the helm of affairs? Instead the flocks are all going astray because of the Church politics played by our so called Church leaders and we claim Nagaland a Christian state. God have mercy on us and forgive us for such charade.
Let us accept the very fact that we have totally gone astray from the basic ethos of how a society must be. Let us not make Nagaland a state full of ‘Union-ism’, ‘God forbid’ there maybe a time when every Union would like to make a stand or poke their nose in every situation instead of letting the law enforcers tackle such situations, thus leading to a Lawless state. Union-ism will only bring destruction, venom that’ll finish us all.
Nagaland with various tribes and dialects has been brought down low to just mere ‘isms’ rather than appreciating the uniqueness that prevails amongst us. We should not allow ‘isms’ to divide us, we are a unique lot and must stand together as one leaving aside tribal-ism, clan-ism, range-ism etc. Tinyimie’s, Ao’s, Kyong’s, Sema’s and other tribes etc. are just our identity not kingdoms or different planets. We must also understand that Nagas will not be able to live alone or survive on our own if we start creating distinction.
Let us not be what we were hundred of years back— merciless warriors always on the prowl to hunt down. We ought to know that the entire world is looking at us and let us not make ourselves a fool out of nothing and let others take us for a joy ride to Timbuktu. It is time we act, think and behave for a better Nagaland.
• Are we going to live like this for ages?
• Don’t we have the right to build our lives for our future generations?
• Let us not profess ‘Curse’ in Nagaland.
• It is time we wake up, work together and live as one—Nagas not tribes.
Concerned and Worried Nagas
Talisunep, V. Sema, Akho, and Grace Kyong
(Kohima and Dimapur)