Keliihol Tase
M Com (NU)
When the state government present deficit budget, it gives a clear picture the phase of development prevailing in the economy. Deficit budget means estimated government expenditure exceeds the anticipated revenue. Mild budgetary deficit is always preferable, because it accelerates the path of economic recovery. Too much budgetary deficit creates inflationary pressure on the economy resulting in the decline of the purchasing power of money. In other words, it makes commodities dearer inflicting unbearable burden on middle income group and general masses. As the saying goes “every problem has a solution”.
Government should change its taxation and public expenditure programmes. On the other hand, government should not only actively involve in the economic activities but practically participates and governs the economic activities of the state.
Present is the continuation of the past and‘ll determine the prospects of the future. Very soon Nagaland will be celebrating golden jubilee of attaining the statehood. Our state is 46 years old but we’re unable to be independent in spite of various central aids. Will the state government keep on presenting deficit budget in every financial year? When will the state government show balanced budget. How long will the state government depend on the central government? Is it not reasonable question to argue that how can the government spend more than its revenue. The government should take remedial measures for this economic problem. In order to incur heavy expenditure, the government must generate sufficient revenue.
As our chief minister, Neiphiu Rio said “white revolution and industrial revolution is yet to touch us”. When the growth of the economy is lacking behind due to limited resources, available resources should be utilized efficiently and effectively. Though there are many areas where the government needs to build up, the development of transport will be successful in mobilizing the resources of the state.
As the topography of the region is hilly forbids easy development of railways and an airway, Nagaland is practically deprived of both. Road transport is therefore, a good venture where the government can endow for its proper development. State transport need to be widened to increase the economic activities of the economy. It will also do the greatest good to the greatest number and render social services to benefit the largest section of the people. Government undertaking will help in checking inequalities of income and prevention of concentration of economic power in the hands of few-which acts as shackle in the process of development.
State Transport Corporation came into being right after the independence. The first state-controlled road transport system was introduced by Calcutta State Transport Corporation on July 31, 1948. In Nagaland the first transport service was inaugurated in June 1965 on Kohima-Dimapur route. State transport was introduced late in comparison with the other states; Nagaland State Transport has few drawbacks. It ignores the short route, inadequate passengers, for example- Andhra Pradesh State Road transport has the passenger turnout with around 1.25 crore people daily. Insufficient buses, bus station and bus shelter.
In any undertaking the objective is to earn revenue and not to suffer from loss. Loss in government sector will definitely discouraged the economy from growth. Government enterprises should be self-supporting and reasonably profitable. So it is urgently necessary to improve the working on profitable basis, simultaneously competition with the private sector cannot not be ignored.
Lords Keynes, an economist says, “the important thing for government is not to do things which individual are already doing, and to do them a little better or a little worse, but to do things which at present are not done at all”. Present things which are not done at all like introduction of woman conductor and driver in the state transport. Driver should not know just to drive but drive safely. Driver should undergo training in Institute for safe driving like Drivers training Institute in Sonepat (Haryana).
Government/public enterprise unlike private sector does not run for personal interests, but for the general welfare of the people. Private sector works in its private interest. In any do business it involves two parties i.e., seller and buyer. The success of government sector depends on the response of the people. Nationalism in the minds of people is essential to manage and run government sector. Public should be conscious that contribution to the state enterprise will lead to progress economic growth.
Apart from saving and investment the development of NST will directly improves other business activities and relationship. In business there are certain auxiliaries to do business activity. Transport is one, which removes the hindrance of place and creates utility of providing goods and services. We cannot think of business without transportation. When we’re calling for unity among Nagas, inter-district routes can dish up the motivation. For example- Bus Link between Amritsar and Lahore was introduced to improve relations between the two neighbors.
In the 21st century when, “Economic development alone is not enough” but when the government is struggling to be independent there is no question beyond economic development i.e.,social development like sources of potable water, good sanitation, education, minimum health care etc. Developmental expenditure on economic services as well as expenditure on social and community services is necessary to improve the standard living of the people. As the Bible says, “he who loves pleasure will be a poor man”. The state government should be prudent in public expenditure programmes.