Ist Match
Kohima College beat Mystic United 3- 1.
Kohima College scorers: Yhungshalo (1st and 3rd goal) in the3rd and 23rd minutes and Joseph -2nd goal in the 13th minute.
Red card shown to captain of Kohima College Megoreizo in the 15th minute
Mystic scorer- Chonchothung in the 26th minute. Lanvungo was awarded yellow card in the 46th minute

2nd match
Hurricane Boys defeated Entwine 4-3
The match ended in goal-less draw. Hurricane Boys scorers: Rokovoto, Vizokho, Vilekho and Zhapchuto,. Entwine scorers Ruguo, Kunuveyi and Akhrie.
Hurricane Boys players Zhapuchuto and Vizokho (Captain) were awarded yellow card in the 45th and 56th minutes.
Yellow card shown to Kunuveyi of Entwine in the 55th minutes

3rd match
Athletic Club beat Baptist High Kohima -2 -0.
Athletic Club scorers-Kekhriengulie (1st goal) and Neiphrezolie(2nd goal) in the 45th and 59th minutes respectively
Two Athletic Club players Neiphrezolie and Khriezovolie were awarded yellow card in the 48th and 52nd minutes respectively, while Rain of Baptist High earlier got a booking in the 23rd minutes. All were cautioned for unsporting behaviour

4th Match
Jovial beat Ornate Club 3-1 in penalty shoot out in the fourth match. The match ended in goal-less draw.
Penalty shoot out for Jovial scorer- Heako, Ihoshe and Thungchibemo. Ornate Club scorer- Kikrusalie.

Fixtures for August 20 (Saturday) matches
Ist Match (12:Noon):Asian Mission College vs Hild Boyz
2nd Match (1:10 PM): Highland Boys Club vs PGSU(NUCK)
3rd Match (2:20 PM): Sonshang FC vs Spearhead FC
4th Match (3:30 PM): Periezie Club vs Bulls Club