Are Naga men willing to share political power and space with Naga women?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    Yes,,, today society is trying their best to promote women in the state
•    Yes, if she is fit in both physical and mental. But our Naga mothers mainly run their family and do household work. In my opinion if Naga women is willing to involve in politics then let us give them and see our society how it will be different from before. 
•    yes, but not with the present reservation policy.
•    Yes, men do feel that the political space is being given, but women are not asserting their political space and power. 
•    of course, provided they are capable enough!
•    somehow except in so called advanced mukokchung
•    Because they also realised that women has important role to play in the society.
•    most men don't deliver today. women look promising when it comes to 60/40 mantra i.e eat 40, deliver 60.
•    In one sense, I think naga men are willing to share political power and space with the naga women. Both naga men and women need each other to make Nagaland a better place. However, I feel the naga men are resisting the reservation, because the arena of political power must be fought over through democratic means and not by imposition of reservations. On the other hand, rather than going and claiming their rightful place in Naga political decision making, the women are expecting the men to put it on their lap. This seems highly improbable. Best is for representatives of both men and women to sit down and agree on how they can democratically share political power.

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
•    There is no clear evidence of proof to indicate at all that men are willing to share political power with Naga women. The fact that there is no woman legislature itself proof enough. However on the other hand the fact that more and women are taking over important administrative post and other professions clearly show that women are more responsible than men in Nagaland. 
•    Naga men are scared of losing their patriarchal status
•    No, Naga men are original Male Chauvinistic Pigs (MCPs). 
•    Nagas are not honest, we tend to be impractical idealist and we tend to romantize the values that once must have been, but today the context is very different. Naga men are not ready at all to share power – whether money power, political power or muscle power – with women. This is the hard fact of life. 
•    Coz.. God created Women to help men; and not to rule over him.
•    No, not at all! Naga men are so selfish!
•    i dont thing we are ready to give the platform to our women. naga society is patriarchal. . but not like those rigid class of hindus and muslims.. where women's right are suppressed. as nagas are warriors and hunters , we have to be in the frontline always protecting our women and children, and this trait is in all our blood. we may be modernised in our outlook but still we cannot let go of our past trait unconsciously imbedded in in our genes. it may take another 20 to 30 years for nagas to shed this inhibition. right now naga men are not ready to share political power or space or other leadership role to women.
•    Because of their strong in tradition.
•    No, because the educational system and the student politics is such that it does not encourage women or men to take active role in engaging with politics. The ongoing indifference in men and women towards politics is not a healthy trend at all because it leaves politicians with vested interest to pursue their selfish interest without any hindrance. 
•    No, externally our met and suited and booted, tip top head to toe, internet savvy, google and facebook nuts but in the core of their hearts they are still thoroughly bostiwalla.
•    No. Not yet. They are still not ready to melt their egos which is larger than the Antarctic.
•    No, the most vociferous man to oppose sharing of power with a woman is the most complex, introverted, corrupted, cowardly man with a huge chip on his shoulder!
•    No.. Still can't trust them after what Eve did to Adam at Eden. Well atleast not now.. We men are doing a good enough creating havoc in our society and destroying our future!! No need to let women join and multiply our woes. Best they can do to help our society is by concentrating on the job they are supposed to do. The responsibility God gave upon them..... Not the one politicians and socialist think they should do!!!
•    Naga women are second to none, be it in administration, corporate & municipality, business, professionally etc ..... BUT in terms of political leadership, Naga men will not give way to women easily through the reservation policy...If you feel you have the dynamism and capacity to enter into the world of Naga politics (both positive & negative politics)...stand up and fight...for politics is a dirty have to jump or be dragged into it. To get into the game of politics, we need no reservations, just work on the electorate and strive to get the mandate from the constituency you belong.

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    As of now, the accumulative effect of adamant unwillingness of contemporary naga menfolk at large to part political power and create space for naga womenfolk speak volumes about the male chauvinistic attitude of naga men and so finding the consensus on this pressing issue facing the naga society seems to be elusive where the govt on the one hand is plausibly on bulldozing mode to get through and the older generation-dominated naga civil society on the other hand is pigheadedly determined to stand their ground to make sure that the status quo remains while the younger generation is non-commitally sitting on the fence. But in this global village of ruthless competition for both men and women where the survival of the strongest can even go to the extent of taking the law into their own hands, it sounds a little mediocre for our Naga women to make hue and cry by taking 33% reservation issue as the be-all and end-all of asserting their political rights in order to find a place in the sun while on the other hand, it is unconscionable for our naga menfolk to invariably be in a state of denial with a sense of hypothesis and parochial mentality when it comes to recognize and respect the holistic estimation of naga women on all spheres of life. 
•    Nagas love to claim that we are a democratic society and that everyone is equal. This rhetoric remains the biggest lie for the Nagas. No doubt there are strong and laudable features of democracy as the foundation of Naga life, but in reality, such myths only add to further suppression of those already marginalized by society. 
•    Gus no Naga man has turn down any woman on the ground that she is a female...
•    Nagas are Indian likewise whether we like it or not we have to give reservation to women. If nagas oppose reservation then they should surrender all the benefit like monetary assistance, their employment, etc, to oppose reservation is anti-India and it is against the constitution of india.
•    On a common platform, YES! Through 'reservations', NO!
•    And women are supposed to do?... Help me here. I am not being a feminist, here. I as a woman born in a Naga family, still believe that a man is the head of the family. But that doesn't mean i sit quiet and stare at the world deteriorating while being in the hands of men. Woman are second to none when it comes to taking care of the world. In fact, we can do better, because we are better at multi-tasking. I can take care of my husband and family, while at the same time go out, explore the world outside my kitchen and find out the root cause of the chaos that you men have created. Coming back to Nagaland, what have the men done that can make us women sit and clap while we nurse our babies and run around the kitchen? I do not mean that our men are incapable of running the world. I just don't trust them to do it efficiently like us. And if the Naga men still sit with the first book of the bible open on their laps and concentrate on the story of Adam and Eve with the Serpant and the apple as supporting characters while the first SIN was committed, i say... Us Naga women will need another 50 Decades to stand in the same podium as 'them' men.
•    men are trying to share but women are trying to grab it (we want reservation)
•    Naga men are somehow, willing to share the women in Administration, Business and in Bed... opps, Forgive me, Home ... hahaha. Looking back the past and living in the present, Women achievement is being recognized, all over the world, its the highest pride and honour, in forgiving the past. Its been the longest yard for a woman, to live a life that she seek and find her passion. Women are good in the kitchen and the children's favorite. But, more then that, she is a confident and a capable daring woman to be notice and not to be taken for granted. Men play politics and, behind every Successful husband, there's is Diva . Women are successful, even without the Reservation Policy and yet, we want to be recognized for our endeavours and legacy. Well, Provided, a woman is capable to be a political leader, I assume, our Naga Men will definitely give her a Green Signal. Hell ya, why not? But, she has to wrestle with 20 lions. ha ha ha
•    in Nagaland context, i have observed that our women leaders are very vocal when it comes to crimes committed against the women but on other important issues they are silent. we have capable women in government service who have come out successfully through competitive exams. if others want to join politics they are welcome to become members of any political parties and rise up in the party set up but reservation ..... !!!!!!!!!???????
•    Yes and No. There are men who truly support women and admire their leadership but still there are some bossy men who want the power for themselves.
•    In the traditional Naga life, the roles and responsibilities for men and women were pretty much well defined not just by the culture and customs, but also because of the situation and context in which nagas were living. Maybe in the past, this arrangement worked well and it was a necessity. However in this modern world, this arrangement needs to be re-negotiated. The past arrangement is not longer relevant. Now, the roles and responsibilities have changed with time as well. So obviously, while men and women need each other, the past arrangement must change to meet the modern times.