Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• The fact that people are even talking about fighting corruption is a sign that there is some level of preparedness to address corruption. Realising and admitting that the scourge of corruption is destroying the Nagas is the first big step to honestly addressing issues of corruption.
• It is very important to educate our Naga people specially woman, than only the child can be more educated...
• At some level people are well aware of the need to fight corruption. The problem is that the menace of corruption has become so big that it has overwhelmed the society. We are lost as to what practical steps can be taken to address corruption in Naga society. I think everyone will agree that corruption has reached all nook and corner of Nagaland and so where should one begin to honestly address issues of corruption. I feel Nagas are lost in this area. People know that corruption is destroying us, but we do not know the practical steps we need to take. So fighting corruption has some way to go before it becomes a reality. However I think there are people who are willing to honestly deal with it.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• The whole society is corrupt and this is the reason why we are not honestly addressing corruption. Today the issue is not corruption but the scale and degree in which corruption is taking place. Today, people are not addressing corruption but at disgusted at the high level of corruption taking place. This attitude itself is the problem. Because if we are to be honest we should condemn all corruption whether it is for 10 rupees or if it is of 10 lakhs. An act of corruption whether high or low, whether big or small is the same. The degree of corruption cannot and should not be differentiated. The fight against corruption must begin at the level of our conscience and not the amount which has been siphoned off. Let us not legitimize corruption by only targeting big shots, while ignoring the petty corruption that is taking place every day.
• Corruption was part of ancient history. No society exist without corruption.
• No Nagas are not prepared to HONESTLY address issues of corruption because to address this issue one needs to also blame oneself and needs to go through self reflective process which I don't think we are ready to own up our mistakes. In words we all know there is corruption but in practical nobody wants to actually go deeper into the issue.
• NO, cause 70% of the Nagas are corrupt
• corruption is rampant in every works of life in our naga society. From church to ngos to national workers to govt administration factionalism/tribalism/regionalism etc., is overtly random and profuse. In this state of affairs even when churches are actively involved and different political parties both overground and underground are actively indulging in it getting rid off corruption in our society wont be that easy.
• No. The scene now is much like what we’re seeking in the middle east dictator rules countries where the dictators and his cronies amass wealth, built mansions, stadiums while the common man can barely two ends meet!
• Coz we are victim of it
• Not at all. While on one hand we criticize corruption, on the other hand we engage in it without any remorse. There is a level of hypocrisy that we are not quite ready to admit or confront. This makes it very difficult for us to address corruption in a honest manner.
• When we see our present scenario, almost every or i may say every department or organisation has corrupt official/member
• Nagas not yet rightly judge the corruption cases due to lack of insincerity and integrity of administrative.
• We all know it is in our blood.
• Not that sure, because Nagas are not honest enough. Every Naga society wants corruption free but nobody is really committed to it.
• first of all one needs to understand what is corruption? Corruption is operationally defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain or the use of public office for private gain. Therefore the corrupt behaviour would include, bribery, fraud, stealing the public resources, partiality/favouritism, seizure of public assets for private use, etc. UNDERSTAND WHAT IS THE MAIN CAUSE OF CORRUPTION - Lack of rules, regulations, transparency and accountability
- Lack of control, supervision and auditing.
- Lack of Code of Conduct for public servants and politicians.
- Money has become more important than excellence.
- Taking of Bribes
- Tolerance of people towards corruption.
- Absence of strong public forum or civil society to oppose corruption
WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT? - How about introducing anti corruption classes in schools - Media can also bring awareness by giving platforms for talks and constructive debates on corruption issues by inviting teachers, students, social workers and important figures who stands against corruption - Nagaland needs more channels so that issues can be address as television talk shows are watched a lot by the public
• Because the Naga must make the nation by themselves without corruption
• No, Nagas are not prepared. Corruption is in every corner of Naga society
• No! because we Nagas are great fans of corruption. We love playing the blame-game but never prepared to take a step towards introspection. Also, we suffer because we are afraid to stand up for what is right. Everybody knows but wont speak up because we are scared. I say, honesty and cowardice never click!
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• At this moment, honesty and truth seems to be a luxury. Everyone seems to be in a survival mode and have little or no concern about what is happening around them. This is the tragedy that Nagas find themselves in. We are all too busy just trying to survive that we do not have time to address important issues such as corruption. But this is proving costly because the rich are becoming only richer and the poor are becoming poorer.
• As much as Nagas want to confront corruption, the people are unable to do so. The Naga public does not have the ability to make decisive decisions. This is the biggest problems of the Nagas. The people are unable to act.
• Giving trust and confidence on that contemporary Naga leaders responsible for the contemporary naga society to honestly address corruption issue head-on is tantamount to placing my hope on that dying zombie to be a second coming messiah. The only redeeming feature of the bad and volatile state of affairs is somehow it gives reason to my glimmer of hope on the buck passing to the younger generation who I believe will be in a better position to deal with this no 1. Societal ailment primarily responsible for all sources of socio-economic evils gripping the on-going Naga society where overall backwardness, isms, disparity, regional imbalances are the direct by-products of incessant corruption prevalent in the mess-laden naga society at present with the older generation sitting pretty in the drivers seat. As the tidal wave of change is blowing contagiously across the country and the world at large leading to the paradigm shift taking place remarkably with the changing times on every sphere of life alongside coming across the enterprising, productive and innovative bunch of the younger nagas, the sky is the limit and I see no reason why I don’t place my hope and belief in the upcoming generation to do a better job in cleaning up the current mess.