Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, in the life of 75 years of NBCC it has done great things over the years. The importance of NBCC in Naga life cannot be underestimated. In the initial years of NBCC it was a peoples organization. But today it has lost some of that shine. Still then it is doing a satisfactory job. NBCC has produced many great men and women who have risen to great heights and for that NBCC must be given that credit. I only wish NBCC as an institution would have also grown to the same level of leadership and courage.
• It is easy to criticize any organization because there will always be loop holes and no organization has and ever will achieve its full ability. This is the same case of NBCC. It has done some marvelous things and it has contributed immensely to the Nagas. At the same time it has fallen short of expectations as well and there is much to be desired. But given its history, I will say that I am satisfied with its contribution to the society.
• God is everything
• Baptist church is one of the hundred faction from the protestant group – break away church from Roman Catholic. In a tiny state like our Nagaland, there is no doubt that NBCC has been tirelessly contributing a lot both spiritually and humanly towards building a vibrant Naga society in the present day Nagaland state. Kudos to nbcc for celebrating its platinum jubilee from 19-22 April by inviting non-Christians to share the joy and gospel messages. I like it and my prayers goes to all Christians alike.
• nbcc president is doing a great job!!
• But they need to work little stronger relation with the politician and those who are hundimg money in the name of Nagalim
• NBCC is very much an important pillar in Naga society. It has given so many positive contribution to the people. It has played a pioneering role in the holistic growth of the Nagas. It is important for NBCC to believe in itself and develop leaders. It is saddening to see that the NBCC relied mostly on bureaucrats to plan and organize the NBCC platinum jubilee. NBCC should have made use of the young church workers to lead in the planning of the jubilee because by outsourcing it to bureaucrats it gives a wrong image and the impression that it does not trust its own representatives in the NBCC.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No. Although the contributions made by NBCC is respected, seeing the fruit or outcome of the contribution is rated as unsatisfactory. The NBCC being such a big organization still lacks the courage to come to terms with certain agreements, deals and logical acceptance (u know what I mean) to end the many endless debates of the society. The NBCC should not only look forward to holding big events every single week but rather start up with the smaller responsibilities that lie unattended right under their wings. That will be more fruitful towards holistic growth.
• No, what have they done?
• Spirituality is superficial and shallow. It begins and ends on Sunday with loud singing and shrieking prayers
• Holistic growth is in pure indigenous culture and NBCC can’t give cultural identity.
• Not satisfied with NBCC, no moral authority
• satisfaction is a far cry..
• materialistic Christianity and not about real salvation
• No so let all the Christian denomination come into one umbrella and the true result with germinate. Why only NBCC? Remember – united we stand, divided we fall.
• No, too much politics
• Not satisfied with nbcc coz it is a celebration of corruption, triumph of hallowed extortion over truth. The height of corruption glaringly exposed to the nagas
• No, I cannot say that I am satisfied because the NBCC can do much more than what it is doing. The NBCC must move out of its four walls and reach out to the people who are in great need of a direction. The NBCC must become a movement of the people rather than just a few church leaders who are quite disconnected from the ground realities.
• Because they become too much materialistics, worldly rituals, celebrations and less importance for losing soul. Even, in the church high class were given more importance and respect. Eg. Ministers, bureaucrats, etc. This is the truth about our churches.
• NO, lift prohibition first....and will judge
• Nagaland being a Christian state the church has a big role to play in grooming its membership. The deteriorating state of affairs shows that NBCC is unable to keep up to its mandate of building God's kingdom on earth.
• Its most concerned with other part of Nagaland
• No, NBCC is largely funded/sponsored by the government but most of the funds go into its own showy programs! Sanitation drive? Where will they dump the city’s garbage? In the village?
• No, because its just too Americanised, too hi-fi, too materialistic and too religious. Lacking the much needed spirituality.
• Too money minded.
• "Holistically getting Politicised off late!!
• Definitely NO A BIG NO!....NBCC should remove the Liquor prohibition Act otherwise there adamant and stubborn stand is very suspicious cos seems like they are being paid reall good by the black marketeers so that the black marketeers business grows here in Nagaland with all the adulterated alcohol while naga people are dying of alcohol.....And the truth of the matter is there are people within NBCC officials who loves drinking alcohol so I wonder where they buy that from? I guess that defines hypocrisy!
• No...let the local churches do the 'soul winning'...the council should 'save lives'...Hope the NBCC contemplate about the prohibition during this Jubilee and reconsider the pros and cons that has affected the Naga society...they should be aware of the peoples' voice, the governments' opinion and the secular Christians' concern.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Beautification going on, cleanliness activities been taken up not sparing even the VIPs (what a dignity of labor!), church leaders publishing about cleanliness and suggesting on proper communication. How I wish everyday is platinum jubilee.
• The NBCC may be one of the largest membership organizations in Nagaland. So given this fact one expects NBCC to take very clear and strong positions on issues affecting the Christian life of the people. NBCC should not lack volunteers and it should not lack financial resources. However in the last 25 or so years of NBCC you do not see it take any clear position and this has created many Nagas to doubt the ability of the organization. It needs fresh and youthful input.
• i don't think people need any organization's help to improve their spiritual life. Holistic growth? so long as the nbcc members are able to man their homes and ensure their children grow up to be dutiful and honest citizens, i think they'd have won their place in heaven.
• There needs to be a CLEAR and VISIBLE line drawn between RELIGIOUS & POLTICS...thou it co-exist a time.. POLITICS should not overcome RELIGIOUS/ RELIGIOUS LEADERS!
• Majority of the Naga people are looking up to the Church to provide a clear direction for the people. But the Church has remained silent and has failed to give leadership and to present a vision for the people. The Church seems to be too busy to listen to the people. The Platinum Jubilee was the best time for the NBCC to reach out and get the support of the people. But instead it went to the politicians and bureaucrats for financial support. They have missed a chance. By organizing a multi-crore convention it will lead to more misgivings.
• Many many many a Baptist men and women under NBCC has done great things for the Nagas. But it is microscopic when compared to the harm that members of it has inflicted on the state. Maybe am wrong but am of the opinion that, they are doing more for the Denomination than the Nagas. NBCC can take credit for the good things that the organization did for the state and its people, but they should also take the blame for all the evils and ills its members have done as well. NBCC as a Christian organization may have the highest percentage of corrupted members and criminals amongst its fold. Corruption is also one subject that i haven't noticed it vocally, publicly up against!!! The organization NBCC unwittingly is creating a divide between itself and its flock. I notice that most of the Baptist faithful have no sense of connection with this Apex Baptist body of Nagaland anymore. (I could also be wrong in my assessment and observation, my apologies if i am)
• Is it the objective of NBCC to cater and nurture Naga Society for its wholistic growth and development? Is the Naga society even growing spiritually? I doubt rather that both the qualitative and quantitative growth is lessening, if not declining. It is without doubt that some would have definitely benefited in all spheres of life from NBCC. But has it positively affected the majority? Doubtful. It's the moral minority that influences in sanctioning orders and laws, curbing the State's citizens to its forceful bind. NBCC has both ignorantly and arrogantly muddled in politics. It has also two sardonical claims - promise of 10,000 missionaries and claiming NLTPA is helping the Naga Society. Humbug.
• NBCC came a long way in marking this platinum jubilee, besides the celebration with fanfare, it is also time for the NBCC to undergo broad retrospection over last 75 years and make an in-depth introspection in tune with fast-changing world where its omni-spheres of influence on naga society in terms of principles, core values, policies, practices, etc and above all, its successes and failures, affecting daily lives of 99% Christian nagas at all levels from all walks of life. In aesthetic terms of growth, yes, but in holistic terms, well-versed in word but ill-versed in action is no way comes near satisfaction level.