Can Nagas replace the clash of cultures by developing a culture of cooperation?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    What choice do we have? Culture is the key to change. We forget that the history of colonial powers has shown that they have colonized first culturally and then subsequently politically. So to replace the clash of cultures and to develop a culture of cooperation means thinking differently and acting with the will to cooperate by recognizing that it is only by cooperating with each other than we can survive as Nagas. 
•    We need to take a step to bring the nagas together. We can never go ahead as long as tribalism persist in our society.
•    The differences that exist among the Nagas are not wrong. It is prevalent in all democratic societies. But what is more important is how we address the differences. The manner in which we address the differences will either lead to a clash of culture or it will help us develop a culture of cooperation. So far, Nagas have resorted to violence as a way of settling differences, and this has not gotten us anywhere, but has only build more anger towards each other. So why keep doing the same thing. Lets try something different. How about settling our differences by talking about it and finding solution in a respectful manner. This will surely change our situation. 
•    If we work together irrespective of tribes, caste, creed etc
•    Times r a changing, cant remain and known as hunters n head hunters.
•    Diversity of Naga tribes is not the problem for Nagas. It is the richness of Naga society. The fact that Nagas are made up of so many tribes shows our culture is dynamic resilient. Just look at the Hornbill festival, the many colors and chanting and dances. That is what makes Nagas unique. The problem is not the diversity of the Nagas. The problem lies in our attitudes towards each other, and we project our individual problem as tribalism. We must not make our individual problem into the problem of the tribe. Our individual and personal problems should be handled at the personal level, rather than blowing it out of proportion and making it into a tribal case. If we know where to draw the boundaries, we will learn to celebrate the diversity we live in. 
•    This is the best way we can move forward. I hope that our politicians and factional leaders understand that only when they start cooperating with each other, that the Naga public will start cooperating with them. The more they fight among themselves, the more the public are tired of them.
•    Haven’t we had enough of the violence, killing and suspicion among ourselves? Is this the way we want to live our lives? Not me. I am tired of being afraid, I am tired of living in fear, I am tired of blaming others, and I am tired of being complacent. Its time I step up and take responsibility and contribute in building a healthy society.  
•    The world is changing. There is no more room for violence. Nagas need to turn to non-violence to deal with each other. It is also the best way to fight for our freedom. Non-violence will help us to develop a culture of cooperation. Non-violence will bring Nagas together. We must also change in accordance with the world.
•    Yes, this is the way that Nagas need to follow. But we also need to realize that the way to a culture of cooperation is always under construction. It needs to be constantly in the making.

Some of those who  voted NO  had this to say:
•    No, not in this age or ever because there are too many complications. We've been created unique, gifted with control over almost every other living thing but not our Maker, who decides for us. Sounds insane but we'll remain the blood we're, to fulfill our duties as humans, with differences everywhere. The only thing, if we unite and share the truth of this fact and live our part, this world may be a better place to live with a thousand cultures.
• Tribalism isnt going anywhere...Nagas will 4ever stay with their respective cultures n opion tribalism.
• Do u think nagas can do that? Its next to impossible. We have had different cultures n languages since time imortal...And nagas r going to stay that way.
• You can bet ... nagas will never cooperate in any field lest culturally.
• No, it is most unlikely because our Naga society has become very shallow. We only think about the immediate satisfaction and are not willing to take bear hardships and sacrifices which is needed to bring about a culture of cooperation.

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    Samuel Huntington wrote about the clash of civilization. But this can be avoided if we have the courage to think creatively and if we are selfless. The clash is not inevitable. It can be overcome, but it requires us to overcome our selfish nature. We blame tribalism, factionalism, clanism, but really we are only hiding behind all these big words. It all comes down to you and I as individuals. As individuals we have the choice and the power to influence change in our lives, and in our society. I think we need to stop hiding behind this slogan of tribalism. It will do us so much good. 
•    Culture clash was, is, and will be ever present. Hmm.. I can't get my head around the term "replace". To develop a culture of cooperation is a question of 'How?' how do we bring about that kind of cooperation to 'replace' culture clash? I'm interested to read some suggestions. It 'might' minimize culture clash but will not replace. But are we determined for change? contribution and cooperation? I'm up for it. Are you?
•    The way I see it, when it is short term gratification, it seems like we can all contribute and co-operate very well.. It is the long term sustenance that takes a beating when almost every participant, tribe, organisation, you name it, want to be the one in the driver's seat... Nagaland takes 2 steps towards progress, then stops and takes a step backwards crushing our own achievements, our heritage and our future all at the same time... The lines of division and superficial power are so entrenched in our everyday culture that it is going to be very difficult to have a community that will unite and co-operate. Well it looks like we have succeeded in finally letting the puppet masters who pull the strings, direct our every movement, what with recent developments... We have gone to the dogs and anarchy is about to set in!
•    Nagas have too many organizations, unions and so on. This is our strength but also our weakness. We must respect each other but it is also important to develop and strengthen each other through activities that will build trust and understanding. Just having more organizations does not mean it will make us stronger. It may have an adverse effect. The best way is to build cohesiveness.