Worship Series VIC. Cho-oOurs is the generation of advanced science and high technology and of materialism. Therefore, we live in a busy world today. And what happens when we’re too busy? We run out of time.
R.C. Chiten JamirDown through the corridors of human history, from the beginning of time, the Christians are the great reminder of the lost humanity; God’s search for it: “Adam, where art thou?” (Gen. 3:9
Worship Series VC Cho-oLeading worship is not for practice. It will be too expensive for a person to practice at the expense of other worshippers who come to worship service with certain expectations. A blind m
Jonas YanthanThe conversion of Saul into Apostle Paul should be clear enough for any reader of the Bible to understand that to serve man is to serve God. Acts 9:3-5, “Now as Saul approached Damascus, and sudd
Worship Series IVC. Cho-oWorship is a matter of the heart. A joyful heart celebrates, a gloomy heart doesn’t. Worship is primarily celebration (see Psalms, Acts 2:46, 47). Franklin M. Segler said that worship
Dr R K Behera Bible tells, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time” (1 Tim. 2:5, 6). Jesus came
Worship Series IIC Cho-oReinhold Niebuhr, quoted by Franklin M. Segler, explains that one reason for the weakness of common worship in American Protestantism is the fact that the free churches have grown
C Cho-oNominalism is one of the biggest contemporary challenges that confronts the Naga churches, the cause of which may be attributed to poor worship and, perhaps, poor preaching. But, the kind of response we
Rev Dr V K NoohFour decades have passed, when Rev. Longri Ao, the fury prophet warned the Naga people time and again saying that, “Nagas will not go unpunished” and he was right. After Nagaland attained sta
Ellen KonyakThe word evil is a familiar term. We hear of evil deeds frequently and everywhere. It is hard not to be exempted from its effects. Thoughts that intrigued me as I ponder on this very topic are: How
Rev N TzüdirProphet Ezekiel talks about, “...rumours and calamities ...” (Ezek. 7: 26). And true to his prophecy, we live in a world which is full of rumours, calamities and fears – the fear of ter
Lemti AlingerThe Centenary celebrations of the Baptist Arogotsür, Changki was held from 7-8th September 2005. On the afternoon of the final day, the ‘Orija Salang’ became a hub of activity, showcasing cult
Imtijungla LongcharTithing means a tenth goes to God. Leviticus 27:30-32 is very clear about it, “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the tree belongs to the Lord, i
Rev. Dr. Zelhou KeyhoIn the first place discouragement appears to be casual and harmless-everyone goes through it. That is a very good reason not to be so alarmed when we are discouraged. But on the other hand,
Vishü Rita KrochaFriendship means a lot to me. In fact I hold it as dear as family. Sometimes it gets a little more precious than family. But honestly, they are two different things that bring me joys in equal