Setso LiegiseThe word ‘Kripa’ in Sanskrit means ‘Grace’ and it is such an apt word because recovering drug addicts/ alcoholics know that if it weren’t for the grace of God they would not be where they
Referring to some local dailies, where Thungdy Chang, Chairman TTC stated that the GI pipe is more appropriate for hill areas, which indirectly supported the PHED in connection with gravity water supply to Tuen
The Right to Information Act 2005, enacted by Parliament is applicable to the whole of India. The Act comes into force with effect from 12th October, 200 all over the country. In this connection, the Government
This is in relation to the recent visit of CPI General Secretary A.B Bardhan to Manipur wherein he had expressed concern with the NSCN (IM) money collection of Rs 4000 from each of the Manipur bound trucks at D
Keyireugabe HeguiThe Church is not the centre to pacify lukewarm, dormant and inactive Christians; it is not a place for Sunday Christians; occasion Christians (Good Friday, Christmas etc.) or a place for the o
This article is being released in the interest of Naga people in general and M Aier of Dimapur in particular who wrote an article “Don’t miss the bus” which appeared in the Nagaland dailies on 3rd and 4th
W H MaringIt’s a sad, sad thing that a press release of the caliber that badly exposed ones ignorance to issues like a wrong piece at wrong place in jigsaw puzzle has been issued in the name of a Naga youth (
V Vashum Integration is not a one day event but an ongoing management process in every area of Naga community life. The emotional and political passion guided by a strong teaching of God’s principles are
Is the Electricity Department, Manipur absolutely centralized that the Executive Engineer (EE) and higher ups had been converted to mere rubber stamps and they could not implement or take normal decisions or ha
U A ShimrayThe “Jewel of India” Manipur is uneasy at the moment. As diverse as social setting in the state, the number of NGOs, student bodies, human rights groups, social forum, association and religious o
There is a saying that “Once you get into this, follow me: the system”. That means whether good or bad one has to inure the system. Today most of the educational institutions -system-ridden- are absorbed in
Looking back into history, we Nagas seems to be repeatedly missing the bus in our political journey. We have no doubt many a time taken the right decision at the right time - notably being the Memorandum to Sim
The voice of the Cell One subscribers of Tuensang even after several complains to the concerned department and through local dailies are still not being heard.Last year i.e. 2004 we had submitted forms along wi
Ao Yemen ChangEvery thinking and reasoning human being has different views on different issues, it converges after thorough deliberation and brainstorming; taking into account the various point and accommodatin
St. Francis De Sales Church, Kohima, marks the completion of twenty five years with a delightful celebration scheduled on Oct 1 & 2, 2005 at the local ground Kohima. It is jubilation of the joys and sorrows
The argument that increasing the retirement age aggravates the employment problem is also not true. In Nagaland; only 8 to 9% of the population is employed with the government. Bidhu Shekhar, IPS, SP DimapurAdd
N. TheyoMahatma Gandhi was neither a great warrior nor a king and yet he exercised greater power and commanded greater devotion than any king or warrior. Born at Porbander in Gujarat on 2nd October, 1889, he wa
With reference to the DHS-3/115/P/WKA/PT/90 and DHS-4/ANM/WKA/93-94 from Akuk Students’ Union for immediate action of Pharmacist and ANM at Akuk Sub-Centre, the Akuk Students’ Union has requested the Pharma
K ProngoA Spiritual InsightIt is not because God relishes denial that it is not given to all men to see all their dreams fulfilled in the manner of their own seeking. It is because the thing that God reserves f
We the Phom Students Conference would like to lay down one point request for your immediate and necessary action please. That Sir, it has been learned from our enquiry at the Telecom exchange at Longleng that t