Do you agree that Nagas have a habit of blaming others for their own situation, without shouldering any personal responsibility?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    Yes we have this bad habit of assuming, blaming and believing that others are responsible for everything that is happening to us. Sure, the government may be responsible for bad policies, but we are also to blame for nothing doing anything to stop it. It’s a cycle that we live in. We need to take responsibility as well. Lets begin by electing the right people in the coming elections. Lets not be carried away by money power. Together we can make a difference only when each one of us starts taking responsibility.
•    Yes! because we see clearly that govt. itself are already currupt, So individual as well..
•    OLD HABITS die very very hard on Nagas.
•    Actually nagas are the first ever people in the world who blames but never claims.
•    We blame the politicians n politicians blame it on us....its  cycle well shared in even.
•    Yes, Scapegoating is far easier than taking responsibility for our actions or the present mess we are in.........
•    There isnt much to say ....nagas have all they need to progress but some few of our over-grounds n under-grounds brothers think otherwise.
•    Very true! Most of us, Nagas, are used to being spoon-fed in every form from the moment we were born and tends to continue as long as there is a god father/care taker  sort of, which when prolonged becomes a habit. We have long forgotten to be pro-active. Being an arm-chair critic or to be a back-seat driver seems to be the safest mode of approach to any unwanted/unhappy issues or situations. Fear, wanting to be political right, insecurities etc are the key reasons for our failure to take up any form of responsibilities.
•    Yes, because it's man's nature to escape from the bad and get on with the good. Here, everyone has that instinct, and we're bound to go in that very trend unless our good, humane conscience reigns supreme.
•    Yes we seem to always keep blaming everyone else around us but not blaming ourselves. Nagas were known to be people of integrity and responsibility. But times have changed. We no longer have confidence in our own abilities. For God sake, we are even confused of our identities, so we keep blaming others.

Some of those who  voted NO  had this to say:
•    I believe the Naga people have a reason to be unhappy and angry about. Just look at the attitude of the Indian government, they think they can buy the Nagas off with the money they are pumping in. Well, they may buy off some politicians, bureaucrats and NGO leaders, but they cannot and will never buy off the Naga people. Look at our freedom fighters. They are supposed to be fighting for the Naga cause, but they are behaving nothing short of petty criminals and gangsters. They forget where they have come from and they don’t realize that if the Naga public gets tired of their bossy ways, the Naga public will chase them off and support only those who are really working for the Nagas. Look at our bureaucrats, they are only building for themselves and their family. They don’t care about the public. Just look at our Church leaders. They think they are not sinners who have sinned, they think they are the ones who will pass judgment on others, but they forget that God sent His son into the world not to condemn the world but to save the world. Naga people have every reason to be angry and to blame others for their misery. 
• I Don't think so....!!! Hope It stand 4 Better Nagas..
• I get up every morning and just reading the newspaper makes my mouth turn bitter. Than I get on to the car to go to the office and the roads drive me crazy, and the traffic jams just wants me to be in another world. Nagaland is a wild wild world. 
• There is every reason for the Naga public to blame the politicians and bureaucracy for this mess that we are in. The keep pocketing the money meant for development. The public are suffering because the politicians have eaten what belongs to the people. So why cant the public blame the politicians?

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    Somebody has to take responsibility for the state of affairs. We are all responsible in one sense. Each of us have our own responsibilities in public life and in our individual life, so as long as we are living we can never run away from responsibilities. What matters is owning up and taking responsibility for each other. 
•    The Church should lead the way. IF the Church leads by example by taking responsibility for its failure to understand the problems of alcoholism, drug addiction because if they understood the problem, than they would not have taken reactive decisions such as prohibition. Even today the Church is unwilling to take responsibility and that is why it is denial by still insisting on prohibition when everybody knows that it has failed. Why blame the government, or the police, excise department, bootleggers? It is better to take responsibility for their own weaknesses. 
•    Perhaps it depends on the person and the situation that are faced with. But personally I as a naga i don't do that. So hope its inculcated in every naga not to settle for blame-game.
•    Accountability and strong sense of self-discipline can help.
•    Truth first, always. And secondly, to acquire holistic knowledge of oneself, as a Naga being. 
Though this sounds a bit immature, there's the line where integrity plays its role in the long run, regardless of unseen circumstances.
•    We need a good educational system that will build human character on strong values. We need good teachers that will direct students to take responsibility for their actions and to be responsible to the society. Unless we build a society that can carry responsibilities, what kind of future are we building?