Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, it is very refreshing these days to enter into a government office and see young people working hard. They are less arrogant, more polite and their public relations are much better and at least they have some respect for the public. The older Naga officers have something to learn from the younger ones about public service.
• Yes, our young Naga officers are more sincere, honest and committed to their work. I only hope that they will continue with this same attitude as they climb up the ladder.
• Yes. Time has come for a paradigm shift. Young Naga officers are smart, trendy and enthusiastic about modernization. With knowledge in hand they are sincere in their work, honest and committed.
• Yes...i genuinely feel that situation have undergone a change comparatively because of sincere, dedicated, young & very dynamic officers. I know some personally, their contribution and i appreciate them.
• Yes! I have seen many young Naga Officers who are sincere, honest and dedicated to their work unlike those many pot-bellies who comes to office @ 11 to 12 and zoom away @ 1
• Naga young guys and gals of highly well educated are really sincere, honest and helpful for general public in their dealing not only in the government service but in among the general public too.
• Comparatively younger officers seem to be more honest, capable, committed, hardworking, and sincere, less corrupt, prompt and with better work ethics than the senior officers. This does not mean that they have reached the highest point of good governance, but they should be applauded and encouraged to do much better. Naga bureaucrats should realize that the public are often keeping an eye on their performance and are aware of who are the hardworking officers and who are not.
• Yes ... but its journey is murky where their leaders are mostly corrupt ...hence young officers need strong conviction and be truthful irrespective of whatever the situation is.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• As the saying goes “men are born free but always in chain,” the system prevalent in Nagaland will kill any honest officer, one has to be 100% corrupt to survive. Chained by money ha ha….
• Not really because they are all pawns within they system. I am sure that many of them are sincere and honest and committed in their work, but I don’t think they are strong enough to refuse the orders passed on by their superiors. How many of these young Naga officers have the courage to stand up for what is right, even if it means losing their job. We need officers who can take the moral stand and not become part of a system that is abusive and corrupt. To clean up this system, we need young officers to stand up for the people.
• No, running after money.
• No, they think of themselves first.
• No. They are not making use of their God-given gifts. They should not be afraid to swim against the current. It takes some courage to be a new trend setter, to flow against the wind. It is discouraging that majority of our young people are not doing that, rather they are all trying to find their own placed within the system.
• No, they are selfish.
• Corruption has become nagas culture. 99percent are Christian and we say Nagaland for Christ but we witness Nagaland for corruption.
• No, They are lazy & not punctual at work.
• Not all of them are sincere.
• Obviously 100% NO. No differences between bureaucrats and underground groups. The difference is that one group do wit GUN and other wit PEN.
• Only few are good maybe around 10 percent and the rest corrupted.
• The old men love money without working
• The prize of corruption its ...... so tempting.
• No, the system is too strong, the younger lot does not have the courage to go against the present practices of corruption, favor, nepotism, etc.
• Unfortunately, most of the officers get their post not by topping their interviews but by buying it. NPSC should give auction notice for every post. God, we pray for a CLEAN NAGALAND so that right people are at the right places!
• Money is the root of all evil I heard that and this days i can see even in my own home town. I see some frens giving exams many times some gets govt. jobs without giving exams it isn't a fair game at all.
• Walking in the same path of senior officer. Nothing change and will continue the same till the corrupted politicians and leaders are there..
• No, Honestly... And the long, dull story stems from the fact that most of them are 'selected' through unfair means when all along, they're not qualified or capable. Since religion apparently doesn't work wonders when it comes to 'govt jobs' , it may be wiser on our part to sort them out and consign them to rigorous, refreshing training more often. On the part of our govt, we should totally refrain from 'underground' tactics for any appointment. To be short, it may also pay (in general) if we can identify our talents and help muster them for a better tomorrow.
• No, they are too much carried away with alien for their people is missing in totality.
• No, they are not taking up the responsibilities they should be shouldering. They seem to depend too much on their uncles and aunties and relatives who are also occupying high positions. They should prove their own worth.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• With the kind of exposure, better education and training they are getting, younger officers ought to be much more responsible and efficient. However it does also come down to personal moral standards of honestly, sincerity and whether they are corruptible or not. There is the dictum that questions, in a corrupt system, who is not corrupt. The younger officers should learn lessons from the mistakes past officers have made. If Nagaland is to change a lot depends on how our younger officers develop. If they follow the footsteps of the senior officers, Nagaland is doomed, if they are able to maintain their integrity and approach their work as public service, the future of Nagaland is bright.
• There are both good officers in both young and old. Few officers make you wonder how they were even selected. But sometimes we come across officers that make you feel that the state is in good hands. I have seen committed and admirable officers from both young and older ones...
• Pardon me for saying this. Those officers who have gotten through on their own merit display a much more intentional behavior of honestly and sincerity towards their work. They are much more serious and hardworking. However, those who have not gotten through on their own merit, but through other means, clearly have shown to be less serious and are not as hardworking in their work.
• I believe my post would infuriate a lot of people, my dear friends included but sincere, honest and committed would hardly describe our young officers today. I personally would rate it at say 99% insincere, dishonest, utterly despicable and committed does not even come close. I guess it's partly our fault for not voicing it out, the truth. The fact of the matter is that we are all so immersed in a race to make money, money and more money no matter at what cost or the ramification thereafter. Now, i am just a simple man and i have no solution to the ills of our society but i only hope to invoke a sense of duty and responsibility to my fellow Nagas and to question what we can do???
• Young people are educated, very well informed, but they are removed from the ground realities and so they are not asking the questions that need to be asked. Recently in the local dailies, a group of young people met senior party leaders of both the government and opposition. While such initiatives are appreciated, the questions need some fire in them. We all seem to be touching only on the superficiality of the situation rather than going to the core issues.
• Well i guess it also depends on how they got they came will determine how they be....elections are in the corner and how the public behave will determine what leaders we have in the coming govt.