Do you think the appointment of Interlocutor RN Ravi as the Governor would result in early conclusion of Naga Peace Talk? Why?



Some of those who voted YES had this to say: 

•    Yes. It is widely and publicly acknowledged that after RN Ravi became the Interlocutor, the peace process has progressed by leaps and bounds. One cannot understand the logic behind Ravi being appointed as the Governor. It would have been logical for him to be the Governor only after the agreement was signed. Let’s be optimistic.

•    Yes, conclusion in the form of total and complete occupation of Naga lands.

•    Yes. Having the Interlocutor as the Governor may prove helpful. It could help the process move along forward.

•    Yes. This is an opportunity to hammer out the deal. At the same time many are skeptical because the talks were supposed to be at the highest level, not at the Governor’s level.

•    Yes it can only if Ravi was appointed as Governor with the tacit understanding and consent of the Naga Political Groups. 

•    Yes. He has more knowledge about Nagaland and this is an advantage.

•    Yes. He knows in depth that the Naga people are thriving for a prosperous motherland and their struggle for peace and follow their own customary laws accordingly.

•     Yes, let us not miss the bus this time.


Some of those who voted NO had this to say: 

•    No. While on the one hand, the Central Government has rewarded Ravi for his loyalty, on the other hand, it's an attempt to give the pretense of taking Naga's sentiment into account in the ongoing political negotiations by placing someone who seems favourable to the Nagas. His only job is to keep protracting the ongoing political negotiations. It would be instructive on the part of the Nagas to keep a close watch when the Governor gets to decide to extend the duration of AFSPA.

•    It is now very obvious that the Government of India is here to slam its heavy hand down on all peoples it is in conflict with - its agenda is occupational, thus approach is brutal, and not based on building a relationship based on reconciliation. They stand exposed following the lockdown and punishment of Kashmiris; and Ravi, as a messenger, can only do as the boss dictates. Time for Nagas to stand in solidarity - with each other, across borders, and other struggling peoples.

•    No. I think Nagaland will be made into a Union Territory and Ravi will be Lieutenant Governor.

•    No. The GoI signed the ceasefire agreement saying that they agree to unconditional talks at the highest level in a third country. One by one they have backtracked from their commitment. The GoI cannot be trusted to uphold its own agreement.

•    No. The talks are supposed to be at the highest level, not at the Governors level. The intention of the GoI is now very clear.

•    No. A tactical move to further dilute the peace process

•    No. Ravi's appointment as Governor may seem to hasten the process but it will only compromise the peace talks. His appointment as Governor has brought mixed feelings to the population. The central government has misread the Naga issue right from the beginning and it will only boomerang.

•    No. I don’t think so. Ravi is just another rubber stamp bureaucrat.

•    No. He doesn't have the power.

•    What would it take, if he was the Governor? I would have been better without additional burden, if that can be said. Even without that additional assignment, he couldn't give much time as needed.

•    No. For delaying the process.

•    No. I think something sinister is planned.

•    No, don’t trust Indian government.

•     No. Rather it may prolong as Indians are smarter than our own people. Also the Nagas are split into different factions for its own benefit rather than fighting together in unison.


Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 

•    Government of India has miscalculated. They have gone too fast and but the cart before the bullock. They should have just let the process move forward. There was not need to hastily make Ravi the Governor. This has now created mistrust.

•    Need not to discuss about peace talk. The best for Nagaland Naga is to seek more economic package from central government.

•    First Nagas need to be united; then only others can proceed...

•    Don't count the chicken before they hatch as the saying goes. Still too early to speculate.

•    It's too early to predict it, as we don't know his interest and intention towards us. Our previous Governor was more interested in other issues rather than solving Naga issues. We can expect two things either there will be solutions as he will be working and getting self experience about the Naga issues personally or as always some of our leaders selfie motive will come in way and the situation will become worst. It solely depends on what type of person he is. Will he be a true leader or just another agent of those people whose intention are to saffronise Nagaland… so I am going with option C.

•    And there goes away Article 370 and next 371 Nagaland who knows why. 

•    The Indo-Naga Peace process has been shrouded in mystery and secrecy. So even now no one knows the reason why the interlocutor has been sent as the governor. We will have to wait and watch.

•    When it comes to making peace, India even with its non-violence legacy from Gandhiji has a very poor track record. The framework agreement is no exception, it is doomed to fail and will not last beyond a couple of years. 


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