• Yes. There were hardly any women in local bodies before. Now, with women reservation, it's assured that one third of elected members i.e. decision makers in local bodies will be women. That by itself is a huge step towards women empowerment despite what the naysayers are saying.
• Because women are intelligent
• Women will be less involved in politicking and more in improving the quality of life.
• Equality in decision making for development matters for men and women.
• I think so. A lot of the women candidates are young and educated. I think not just women but even among men. We're seeing a lot of new, aware and educated individuals contesting this time in the ULB elections. I think we'll see some interesting changes in the future.
• Empowerment is just a word
• it’s boring
• No, genuine empowerment of women will not come through the ULB election. It is a myth to even suggest that the reservation for women in the ULB elections will lead to any empowerment. Such misconception is one of the reasons why Nagaland is not progressing at all.
• No. If change were to happen through representation and elections, so many changes would have already been accomplished. In reality it is so much more complicated.
• As most women candidate are just proxy for the male folks.
• Some candidates are just puppets, used by some election players. They have no vision but just because the reservation they being used to filled the gaps.
• With NDPP in power and no opposition Govt in Nagaland, the Govt can do free reign over all ULB matters, no matter which party wins the ULB.
• No. The current political culture in our Naga society is not going to empower anyone, whether man or woman. Some senior politicians are saying that the ULB electoral process will create new and young leadership in Nagaland. This is far from the truth. The ULB polls will only lead to more corruption and decay in our society.
• When talk about empowerment, just a piece-meal political representation won't do as much. The women themselves have to act beyond such affirmative action.
• Because women are also part of politics and political parties.
• Seems to appear that many women have nominated for contesting through reservation is contesting under the influence of their brother, fathers, husbands, instead of them genuinely wanting to be a part of ULB. So, that results that some without even having a knowledge of ULB and Politics, nominated for contesting.
• No, NEVER Happening, no explanation.
• Big No. Naga politics is heavily male-dominated, with recent revelations by female candidates exposing the influence of male “Godfathers.” Empowering independent women candidates is vital for meaningful change. Greater gender equality and female participation are essential for a more balanced political landscape in Nagaland.
• It depends in the way the reservation is implemented as one cannot be fully sure that it will work since Nagaland still hasn’t gotten over the mindset of “men are better leaders than women”.
• We Nagas take elections too seriously. Even the ongoing ULB elections are being taken too seriously and the intending candidates are promising the moon. It is almost laughable to see the candidates talk about employment, youth opportunities etc, when the power of the ULB does not cover all these aspects. If the candidates are serious, they should talk about waste and garbage management, clogged drainage, public transportation and so on. How can we even talk about empowerment when the candidates and the public are not even aware of what the town councils and municipal corporations can do and cannot do.
• Until and unless politics & public change their mind nothing good will happen. ULB is similar to UFC
• If he or she is less than 50 by age then there is possibility of development because 50 and above by aged people we all know what they are capable of
• I support reservation for now but it should be stopped after 20 years