Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes because most of the workers get payment even though they do not work
• That will definitely improve attendance
• Yes it should, and also online check up as well. how many times have we gone to government office and found no one there or come very late. just think if someone from Mokokchung or further away comes to kohima and finds that the department personal have taken a day of because they wanted to go and pick flowers. Yes yes lets see how honest are our government employees.
• Yes, so that, the govt. can always make themselves available to the need of the common people.
• Yes, To prove that their is no proxy appointment in the dept and to prove the regularity of the staff
• Yes. Of course, its for sure that its 100% Nooo for each and every employed person (govt servants) coz all of them are living in their own world (easy life) so in such a irresponsible situation its very important for the govt to introduce Biometric attendance in every government office.
• Yes..only if the government take resolute decision to punish erring employees.
• Yes. Nagas will know the value of wages/money and TIME.
• Yes. So that every employees do justice to his/her duty and profession.
• Yes... it would reduce absentism and nullify ghost employees.
• Yes, because every teacher will able to share education instead of Proxy...
• Yes to avoid proxy signing. Also should have a fixed sign in and sign out time and not any time.....
• Yes they have to attend the office as personal fingerprint is needed they cant escape
• yes, to avoid 1 person in 2 govt. jobs.
• Urgently needed.. State govt shall have sincere servants and there would be no Proxy if Biometric attendance is introduced.
• Yes and if they're late. Half days salary should be deducted.
• Yes! Surely this will boost office attendance as well as speed up pending works.
• For all round development in the same time we paid them
• Yes, so that 1 person two jobs can be trace out and can give the best time to his responsibility
• Yes, To increase efficiency, productivity and changes in work ethics.
• Yes! Govt. employees of Nagaland takes so much pride in their job thanks to the status, financial stability it offers them. High time for them to take pride in the work ethics too.
• Yes for now.
• absolutely yes in all establishments, from schools to hospitals to all departments in every location no matter how far flung..... sign in and sign out!
• Yes, To make employees regular. Pay deductions should be imposed on absentees.
• Very much Yes. Would love to see it being implemented. But the big question is, would it work out in a state like Nagaland, when corruption is in its utmost?
• Absolutely. No doubt about it. No state govt employee are so free as of our Nagaland. Me being in govt service too, would like to see transparency with the introduction of it.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• NO. It will be a waste of resource. Our people are so corrupt and insincere that we will find a way to even beat the biometric attendance system. Unless, there is a change in our mindset, nothing will work.
• No. wastage of fund. The sincere staffs will always be regular in office and those who are irregular will continue to be. Since the government do not take action against the irregular staffs there is no logic in pinpointing them if there is no follow up action.
• I beg to differ as it is not quite feasible; it(data) can be easily manipulated by the administrator and the biometric device is likely to be damaged by the (irate) employees as so happened in a certain Government Department. So the other alternative is to use electronic Access ID Card with inbuilt chip at the entry/exit gates.
• No! Our system not ready for it. Right now, it's just a sure method to transfer our very scarce public fund into some unfeasible venture.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• If the govt. introduce the bio metric system, every employees will be required to turn up to work on a working day to identify themselves. That'll be outrageous! There are many employees who rely on replacement by employing someone on their behalf in remote areas. It'll be a nightmare for them to relocate. Some employees can barely manage a couple of days in a month and get paid in full. Of course followed by several bigger issues. Sounds like fair and a good move, if only that can come true with such a poor connectivity and technology.
• PHQ started biometric attendance since 2014
• Don't they have attendance register? If action will be taken against absentee, then surely yes if not then just another wastage of government money.
• But who will execute action against erring staff?
• I guess some govt. employees who never go to their place of posting must be quaking with fear, and in their hearts cursing the Morung Express for bring this idea into open for a poll