What should be the topmost priority for Nagas in 2020 and why?



Some of those who voted Political Solution had this to say: 

•    I vote for political solution as top priority for 2020. When there is a political solution, draconian laws like AFSPA and Nagaland Police Regulation Act must be lifted. Through political solution there can be peaceful environment and disarmament of arms and this should ensure free and fair elections. Also a political solution means the corrupt system can be replaced and the rule of law can prevail without fear.


•    If there is political solution everything will be answer... Because politics run the state not the road.


•    Political Solution is the only realistic option that is possible within 2020.With concerted effort, broad mindedness and a political will the possibility of a political solution is most feasible when the GoI is honest and sincere.


•    Political solution for political freedom through non violence and forever more peace on earth and there comes everything in abundance.


•    Sustainable and Permanent Political Solution for Just Peace.


•    We the nagas are suffering form insurgency problem and insurgency shelter in Myanmar.


•    Expedite Indo Naga Peace talk at the earliest.


•    It's the mother of all problems.


•    We need political solution in 2020. The unresolved Naga political issue has become an excuse for the inexcusable. Once there is a political solution we can start addressing the other issues that are plaguing the society.


•    Without political solution there cannot be any long term development and peace. Political solution should be the priority.


•    In my view: As long as one's inherent right is forcibly oppressed, then how can we expect a wholistic developement, good roads and a good governance when Naga people are suppressed, exploited and deprived our birthright to determine our future as nation state. Shouting about development, good roads etc. etc. in the street is nothing but a waste of time and it only benefits to our suppressors. So, until or unless Naga people realized and voiced out in unison to solve the vex political issue once and for all, Naga people in general living in contiguous region and particularly a present puppet state so-called Nagaland cannot adapt to the fast changing world. Thus, Naga Political solution is the topmost priority in 2020 so that peace and all rounds of development may arrived in our land like other nations does. Kuknalim!


•    The political solution should be the topmost priority. Without a settlement, the other things will not materialize.


•    Better politics better future.  Political solution is likely needed in Nagaland


•    No political solution no development


•    Political Solution. To bring change from the prevailing rampant corruption, indirectly paganized culture, nepotism, power hunger, materialism and compromised lifestyle to a distinct nation, exhibiting Christ culture, fraternity, Nagas oneness and just society.



Some of those who voted Good Roads had this to say: 

•    If Good Roads by the people itself the development will come.


•    Good roads and what else. Political solution has been used as a weapon by factions to collect tax and political parties use it as a political camping rhetoric like BJP use Ram Mandir during election.


•    Good roads because everything seems to be just talks after talks. I believe Good Roads will be a reality.


•    Good road to every corner of Nagaland....


•    Good Roads connecting every district, town and village. Then rest of development will follow suit! High time we get good roads.


•    Good Road... Mother of all development and father of all Necessity.


•    Off late there has been a huge debate among general public for not having a good roads conditions in Nagaland. They criticized one another as well as the government. Bad road conditions are a huge problems for the students and general public there it affects prices of commodities. Form vehicle and everything they charge extra for bad road conditions… And many minor accident is happening every now and then due to the horrible boulders on the main roads especially in eastern Nagaland…full of dust and causes serious accident, breathing problems and hell lot more. By seeing the bad road conditions here in Nagaland one clearly sees the government is giving less effort to upgrade the prevailing bad road suffering of Nagaland... Government should do themselves not giving to any organisation or anything for the construction of road ...It is so pathetic... I remember from my childhood have been hearing roads will be constructed soon but not yet have seen any further steps.


•    The basic root for all round development comes with the good roads only.


•    Who will give us solution when we can't even make our roads? There is no wholistic development without proper roads. First step to identify a good government is the condition of roads which are default duties of the government and should not an election manifesto.


•    We have endured terrible roads for so long. Good roads will pave way for development of any kind.


•    Having a Good road construction is the basic and foremost important necessity for any society to move ahead.


•    Good roads should reach to teach punctuality. Everything comes under good roads, and good roads are the ground level truth of all. Political solution, wholistic development, responsible governance should be strived and earned but for the sake of one every public shouldn't suffer. My humble vote to choose will be a good road for all, from ambulance till dusty cycling. Broad mind should be and not maintaining private gardens that competes but to employ people so that even the villagers learn gardening education through humble earning the same time. Possibility preference opportunity should be given to trusted capable one's for responsibility, and if people with money minded public workers are caught for not being loyal. The person should be awarded and also be published publically to ease the future disturbances that are not needed anymore. Our society shouldn't get even more worst that this reality. One life so should be at least free from dust even if not that advanced paradise in comparison. One day!



Some of those who voted Wholistic Development had this to say: 

•    Wholistic development should be the topmost priority for nagas in 2020. Because when we learn humanity and know the value of life then we would be able to live a better and a happy life without hates and spreading love to one another.  


•    All round development and upliftment and creation of equal opportunities


•    Wholistic development with good roads as first priority.


•    Wholistic development. Now or never. Will not be able to catch up with the rest of NE.


•    We need development even in education and the government should try to bring up institutions like IISER and School of Planning and Architecture.


•    Wholistic Development.  Corruption free development.



Some of those who voted Responsible Governance had this to say: 

•    A responsible governance giving priority to health, education, employment and creating avenues for sustainable development which will be benefit us in the long run instead of playing political number by the politicians and stop claiming on Naga solution for development. The point is that whether Naga solution comes or no solution, we have to move ahead.


•    When responsible governance is truly practised then there will be political solution, good roads, development and everything else will follow suit.


•    Responsible Governance will give birth to Good Roads and Development


•    Responsible government.


•    If we have it everything will fall in place.


•    Solution, good road and holistic development will follow if there is good governance.


•    Responsible Governance because this is what the Nagas need the most at present...


•    Responsible Governance... This covers all the other points


•    Responsible governance then the rest would fall into place.


•    Responsible governance with dignified tolerance.


•    Responsible governance and wholistic development and development of industries by locals with now disturbance and interference from unmannered freedom fighters and government officials


•    That's the point of them being elected.


•    Good governance is the stepping stone for progress.


•    If by responsible governance you mean representative governance, everything else on the list will follow if this can be achieved.


•    Responsible governance not only the government but also the civil societies


•    Responsible governance as the world sees Nagaland as lawless, chaotic and disturbed. If Nagaland continues in this false dream of peace the whole state will be totally isolated from all the Christian countries. Sorry but that is true. Wake up don't be a stupid liar.


•    Responsible Governance because all the above listed will be solved if they really are responsible in their work.


•    Responsible Governance. Corruption too much in Nagaland.


•    Responsible Governance is the foundation and solution to all the above alternative options...like good roads, political solutions, developments and many more… For many years I feel less corrupted with regards to Present  administration of Nagaland because I am used to it  living  with this life  style since I was born and grown  up with this environment. However,  what really  surprised  me later after discovering  the real system of Administration  when compared  with others  states REVIVED my thoughts and born out new antagonistic  attitudes  towards  our government... Health, education, roads, sanitation, electricity , security, communications etc are all in the shape of extreme and  pathetic conditions with Corruption and nepotism  as their priorities... Lacking of concerns for the welfare of the society and this thoughts percolates to my generation. I believe that a responsible government with young leadership with enthusiastic approach  and ideas to revamp  our state could be a turning  point for  us to see ourselves  at par with the civilization of the 21st centuries.


•    Due to the glaring lack of it, responsible governance, which should lead to holistic development. Why does it seem that government departments are so low in productivity and impact? If we have such a strong cadre of government employees in the state, they could make a huge impact if they really out their hearts and minds into it. Maybe government employees should be paid according to their output and performance, or the functioning of government offices needs to be revisited and redefined radically.



Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 

•    Repentance from sin... Then the rest follow suit.


•    Stop the Backdoor.


•    We need Reconciliation among the Naga political groups and unity among the Nagas. Without any reconciliation and unity, nothing else will work. Just look at the last 25 years. Nothing positive was possible because there was no reconciliation and unity.


•    Above all. All these four should be a pack for Nagaland as 1. Political solution: We've heard enough for decades but have not seen it since then; else it will become political dissolution. 2. Good roads: Do we need to explain why? 3. Wholistic development: We are back footing in all aspects because of Naga political issue and/may our common failure. 4. Responsible governance: We've all seen this week report on corruption.


•    Above all because if anyone is missed out, everything will jeopardize....


•    Reconciliation must be the top priority. Without reconciliation there can be no step forward. It’s funny why the Government of India, the Interlocutor and the Naga Political Groups do not get this..


•    All of the above and more....


•    Education. If we want better Nagaland in the next 20 or 40 years, invest and focus on education especially elementary education - quality and inclusive and capable of identifying student's talent and niche. From recruitment of teachers to infra and management front, the system needs drastic overhauling. It will probably be difficult, but a small price to pay indeed.


•    Civic sense!! Until then no whatever development can be achieved.


•    Worshiping God and keeping his commandments


•    When we look back, we will see that 2011 to 2015 was the period when there was maximum progress in Nagaland. This was because of the FNR reconciliation process which not only stopped the fighting, but also had positive impact on governance and development. This only proves to show that we need reconciliation as our top most priority. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Without reconciliation not much progress can be made.


•    Elections. 


•    All of the above because we are missing it all and we need it all...badly.


•    Unless we change ourselves we cannot change anything. Our priority should be to learn to become better human beings.


•    Remove all corrupt and double crossing politicians and make Nagaland a living peace with good roads, holistic development, political solution and responsible governance.