Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes there are some who do really care, but they are only a small minority. Those leaders who come to understand the Naga problem do admit that Naga cause is very legitimate. Unfortunately, they don’t speak out as often as they should do.
• Ya, they really do care for us that too only with their mouth if at all they need us if its for their good ends. It seems like Nagas would never know their ideas and remain inside the eggshell forever being kicked off too and fro by them.
• Yes, with a fear that if Nagaland get Independence the Indian territory will reduce which leads to another threat for India.
• We the nagas think that we r the bosses (at least in ur locality) and show least respect to the plain landers since long. as a matter of fact,we r too nothing compared to them as soon as u cross nagaland gate. So next tym u act nice to these people. It is their govt n people who are feeding us.
• At these rate of mismanagement of grants and Funds from Delhi, we nagas will one day literally beg the Indian Govt to clear the debts.
• The indian govt has been very cordial in regard to the boundary n uniqueness issue. They pump in so much grants n funds to keep us quiet. Infact, basing on population, we the most expensive state in India. The population is lesser than the city of Mumbai, but the amount of money utilised is mind-boggling. The debts mounting despite of so many grants. The only way out is Clean leaders in nagaland and Youths to stop the corruption.
• Yes, Because many leaders had visited and assured of solving naga political problems.
• They do have the concern...What about those Centarl funds for? As a small state n population less than some metro cities in India, the amount of money granted to our Govt is in say..pouring down. But these funds do not reach the common men's hand& the ground reality is something to blame the People running the Govt.
• Indian Govt and GOD have been blessing our land, but it is the people who are defaulting every penny meant 4 developments. The circus is run by our big shot Ministers n Bureaucrats. We cannot blame the Delhi people that we being neglected.
• Its not only the issue of Motherland n freedom...claim to our uniqueness but the political scenario in nagaland has never suffered nor fell short of money. Since the boundary issue with the Indian as well as the Chinese Govt. is a sensitive bargain, Indian Govt will never cede to our demands. Its a stragetic plans that nagaland remains an Indian territory.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• The Indian leaders do not care about the Naga people at all. They are only interested in keeping us busy with the money they pump in. IN fact, if the Indian leaders are really concerned about the Nagas, they should not be pumping in money to corrupt us like they are doing now. So for some people, they will say that Indian leaders care for us and that is why they are giving us plenty of money. But, actually, they want us to destroy ourselves and so they keep throwing loads and loads on money on us, and foolishly, the Nagas people ourselves are allowing this money not only to corrupt us but to destroy us completely.
• Its funny when Indian leaders from the center come rushing to Nagaland only during elections time. It is good that Sonia Gandhi has acknowledged the Naga movement, but its significance is diluted because she said it when she came on an Election campaign. If she is so concerned about it, why is it that there has been no progress in the peace process. Indian leaders come to Nagaland only for votes, nothing else.
• No, they come and go with vague words during elections alone.
• If they really care there could have b Naga solution long time back.
• The Indian leaders are not concerned about Nagas, because they still have not understood the position of the Naga people and why is it that Nagas want to be left alone.
• The Indian leaders are not serious about Naga issues. They are only thinking in terms of divide and rule.
• They are more interested in dividing nagas and creating border rows with neighbouring states in order to destabilise our national birth right.
• No, if they have shown any concern to naga people we would have been a very happy people.....
• The only reason why India keeps pumping money into Nagaland is to keep the people happy and to see that the Nagas don’t go to China for support.
• This question has still not existed in their mind.... i say completely NO.
• Becoz promises were never kept and they always uses the word 'Tomorrow' in place of Today.
• Bcoz indian are thinking nagas are not a hindus and nagas are coming in early century to world war time.
• They fail to bring Naga political solution even after more than 15 years of ceasefire and peace talk.
• if so the Indian leaders would have solved the Naga problem before i was born.
• No, Since only talks & no solution.
• With the attitudes the nagas are having, on what basis would the indian leaders care? nagas still have a long very long way to go. nagas way of thinking is fast like any other human being but one must remember that we are just actors of a bushmen life in the kalahari in the eyes of the so called indian leaders. can anybody do anything better?
• If they cares about nagas, they should have solved during the past years. And moreover our naga politicians are not a true political leaders.
• The Indian leaders are patronizing, they look at Nagas as if we are not capable of managing our own affairs. Just look at how the Indian leaders come and speak to us. They are looking down at us and treat us just like they treat untouchable and people of lower caste in India. This is the problem. Indian leaders look at Nagas through a very casteist understanding and that is why they think that bribery will work. They should realize it may work for now, but not always.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Making occasional visits and hurling scathing attacks on the incumbent government or other political parties puts in doubt the credibility of these Indian leaders. Thanks to these Indian political leaders and our very own wee politicians, we are what we are today.
• Even our leader whom we trust so much doesn't have concern for our land how can we xpct from others.
• Concern or not, all I know is that the Indian government sanctioned lots of money in the name of developing Nagaland but our government makes the money disappears into thin air just like magic.
• Aaya dear Nagas don’t you know that you are still a fool, hopelessly backward, uncivilized, a child (one who doesn’t know others mind), rejected etc., in the hearts of the Indian leaders. We Nagas simply fly away when we are lured by Indian leaders. We never know their tactics. They can just snatch away our help in times when they need our help for their betterment with their golden speech and then after their achievement – HUH what are Nagas, Forget Them!
• We Nagas are to blame equally. The problem is that the Indian leaders relate to the Naga people in general based on how our Naga politicians and bureaucrats relate to them. First of all, our Naga politicians and bureaucrats are the sucking kind. They go up to Delhi to suck up the Indian leaders for funds. Our Naga politicians and bureaucrats are always going up to Delhi for nothing else but to beg for money. The Indian leaders know how corrupt our Naga politicians and bureaucrats are, but they have done nothing. Infact, knowing how corrupt our Naga leaders are, the Indian leaders give them more funds. This only shows that the Indian politicians don’t care at all. In fact they want the Nagas to be destroyed completely.