Exigency of HONESTY for Progress

Rev Dr Phuveyi Dozo
Naga United Village, Dimapur

Our society suffers famine of truth today. Like a leaky pot and a porous ground, our society will deteriorate with holes of dishonesty and fraud. Honesty is the need to thrive and bring success to our generation. Reliability is honesty while cunning and deception is dishonesty. It is honesty when we speak the truth and do what we speak. It is honesty when we do not manipulate and deceive others. It is honesty when we are transparent and free from guilty conscience. It is honesty when you are loyal to yourselves, family, company, school, church, society, and government. It is honesty when you fulfill the oath and vow you have taken and promised at baptism, in marriage, swearing ceremonies, and pledges made in application for a job and employment.

Honesty has no boundary 
We are created in the image of God which is God’s character. God is honest. And He wants us to be honest. Who are the honest people? They are the people who love God (not fear), love people, and love themselves. Where are the honest people? They are everywhere in honesty. They are the leaders in public affairs and political platforms, schools, marketplaces, families, churches, companies and social circles. They are the model of the world with influence of truth. Honesty is inborn human quality beyond religious code. We are born with honesty, we must promote honesty and finish well in honesty, no matter whomever one may be.   
Honesty has no fear
There is no quarrel in honesty because fault cannot be found in honesty. There is no better antidote to heal and correct our world except honesty. It is the yardstick that kept our forefathers and ancestors in peaceful coexistence and harmony. The root of the problem of the world is fraud. What will happen to our world without the principle of honesty? And, consequently, what will happen to those who cheat, deceive, manipulate, and rob others? Dishonesty is root cause of psycho-related sickness and slavery.    

A man of liar and deception is a slave to bondage of dishonesty. His guilty conscience is his jail. But honesty has no condemnation and is free from judgment. Honesty brings peace and happiness, and freedom. If you are honest you are right. If you right, you are honest. Truth has no fear (Psalms 23:4; 91:5). The Bible says that true love has no fear (1 John 4:18). And true love means truthfulness.

Back to honesty
It means repentance from a life of wrong practice at the cost of others. It is wrong to deprive the right of others, assassinate characters of others, and lie to benefit yourself, falsify in public affairs,  extort others who work hard and sweat, and trouble others instead helping. It is better to return from a life of dishonesty which is already doomed to condemnation even before judgment (2 Corinthians 5:10). The world cries to honesty. And let us lead our toddlers and children in the direction of honesty. Let us make our world a place of truth and livable.  

Honesty is the backbone of a strong generation and nation. It is the principle of success beyond survival. Again, there is no fear in honesty. God bless you!