Reflections on the Torture of a Minor Girl

We were shocked, surprised and anguished to read the article ‘Minor girl tortured in Kohima’. The question that struck us is, does such a heartless and merciless mother exist among Naga Christian mothers? We can empathize and feel the pain this little girl had endured during those long eight months. How can a mother/woman torture a minor girl in this manner? Didn’t Madam Asangla Ao realize that this little girl would one day become a mother like us? No matter how naughty, disobedient or stubborn the minor may be, we all know that they are innocent, in need of motherly love and care, more so for this little orphan who needs and craves for motherly care. So, it’s shameful, infact very shameful for a Christian mother to commit such a devilish and cruel act. The mental, physical and emotional torture of the minor could have been heart wrenching and harrowing as she was learnt to have been kept outside at night making her to seek shelter in a half constructed building, sending her to school barefooted that too irregularly, tuffs of hair plucked off; hands, bodies and legs swollen due to lashing and manhandling. These are unbearable and unimaginable. Just imagine being in her shoes and ponder, Naga Christian mothers! The reason given by Madam Asangla, an educated lady from an advanced tribe was that, the little girl stole food from the kitchen. Madam Asangla said that she loves the minor girl Miss. Yangmaitola as her own daughter but her words and deeds are for all to see. If so, why didn’t she send the minor girl to a private school with proper dress instead of sending her barefooted and why didn’t she feed her properly instead of physically and mentally torturing her.
What Madam. Asangla committed is a shame not only to a particular tribe, community or a village, but it is a shame to all the Naga mothers. We demand that she be given befitting punishment as per the human rights, legal rights, child rights and women’s right. Even so, her punishment wouldn’t be enough for she has inflicted much harm on a tender young mind which time won’t heal. The fear psychosis, trauma and harm will stick with her throughout her life. As such, we appeal to the human rights group, women’s right group, and Child Protection Activists  to take necessary steps to rehabilitate the young girl and extend necessary assistance. Let justice be delivered irrespective of caste, class, tribe, lineage etc.

C. Chungki Chang, Social Worker,
S. Nasen Chang, President, Chongpho Women Society, Tuensang village
T. Asangla Chang, V/President, Chongpho Women Society, Tuensang village
Y. Akala Chang, Church Worker.