Response to Rev Mhasi’s statement on ENPO’s demand for statehood

Rev Mhasi, Proverbs 20;3 says "It is an honor for a man to cease from strife: but every fool would be meddling" (KJV). Dear Rev Mhasi, why are you interested in meddling with the just and legitimate demands of the ENPO Nagas for a separate statehood? The ENPO Nagas are not and have not demanded it from the state govt or from the rest of the Nagas but from the GOI. That's why the ENPO have gone to Delhi and had submitted their demand to the GOI knowing fully well that the state govt is not empowered to do so. Do not be fussy and jittery. The ENPO Nagas will not take anything away from the rest of the Nagas. We only want to have our own statehood to govern and develop our areas in every sphere according to our desire and need.
Just because one can read and write English language doesn't consider oneself wise or knowledgeable to others. I want you as a servant of God to also remember Mathew 7:3 where it says to remove the beam from our eyes before we see into the eyes of neighbors. One should not cultivate the holier than thou attitude. Man is fallible. You say that the ENPO Nagas are well represented in the state. Name the departments with the designation and the ratio of representation department wise? I do agree that the elected representatives from the ENPO areas have been represented in the successive govts by compulsion and not by choice. Till today, even after 48 years of statehood, not even a single Chief Minister have been selected from the ENPO representatives.
Many departmental posts from the ENPO areas have been permanently transferred out to the mainland Nagaland. Almost every department failed miserably to implement the job reservation policy for the backward tribes as per the notification of the govt. Many petitions are lying with various govt officials begging for compassionate appointments that have least been bothered by advance Naga officials. Please don't deny this fact! You may collect the data from HODs and find out the truth. Most of the vacancies created by the retired, deceased ENPO govt servants are blatantly filled up by candidates from advanced tribes because the H.O.D is from the advance tribe.
Moreover, we have experienced the syndrome of being treated as 2 nd class citizens in every sphere. You may not be aware of it personally but, it only the ENPO Nagas who have felt such humiliation and indignation all these years. Advanced Nagas think that the ENPO Nagas are inferior and not fit for good posting in important offices, be it in the districts or in directorate and the Secretariat. Can you name any ENPO officer who has been posted as DC Kohima or S.P Kohima till today? Why deny the fact? Even the elected representatives have not been allotted good portfolios worth mentioning by any successive govts. Rev Mhasi should not take it as an exception that the ENPO is against the present Govt. It is not.
The ENPO have submitted their demand for a separate statehood to the GOI and not to the state govt. Then why did the state govt proposed for Autonomous Council for the ENPO Nagas? The ENPO Nagas know very well that it is outside the realm of the state govt's power to grant statehood. The ENPO Nagas are demanding separate statehood from the GOI and not from the rest of the Nagas. The ENPO Nagas were called "Free Nagas" UN-administered by the erstwhile British even when Kohima and Mokokchung were under the British Jorhat Commissioner. The ENPO Nagas were compelled and coerced with sweet and tall talks to join the rest of the Nagas for statehood.
Rev Mhasi, today even after 48 years of statehood, the ENPO areas remain a stark reality and scene of total under-develop and deprived region. Don't preach sitting in costly homes but personally visit the ENPO areas and see for you self. 80% of every household in the ENPO area do not even get Rs, 50/- per day. You'll not see any naked Naga in any other places in Nagaland except in ENPO area. See the literacy rate, medical facilities, food distribution, and many other govt activities in the ENPO area. Many villages don't have electricity, PHE pipes for water, and the roads are ancient - fit for foot trekking only. But, to tell you the truth, 99% of the implementing govt officials in the ENPO area are from the advance Naga tribes. Ironic and bitter to swallow, isn't it?
The ENPO elected representatives are only stooges of any govt of the day. They dance and flutter to the tunes of their master lest they fall from grace. We don't blame them! But, our people have lost trust and faith in them. That's why the people have risen up as one people to have a separate state whereby the ENPO Nagas will also develop in every sphere. Therefore, leave the ENPO Nagas to look after themselves and allow them to govern themselves in their own manner. It is a sin before God to progress and gain at the cost of the weak and hapless. You know it well.

Asangba Ricardo (ENPO Naga)
Research Scholar: JNU Delhi